Chocola: 「Whaa?! Chocola didn't hear about this!」 Chocola: 「Right, Vanilla?! You didn't either, did you?!」 Vanilla: 「They did. These ears of mine heard. Twitch twitch~」 Chocola: 「Whaaat? No way!! No one told Chocola there's a test we have to take to renew our bells!」 Chocola: 「Right, Master? You didn't know either, right?」 Kashou: 「Nope, haven't heard a thing about that.」 Vanilla: 「What an unexpected betrayal. Et tu, Brute?」 Shigure: 「Nii-sama, you really are no good at anything but making cakes...」 Shigure: 「...But that just tickles this little sister's heart even more. Blush~」 Kashou: 「Yeah, well... you're not wrong, but...」 She pretty much hit the nail on the head, I can't deny that. If it wasn't for Shigure managing the shop, I would've gone into this without any plan whatsoever. Initiative is definitely not the same as having a laid out plan, that's for sure. Vanilla: 「Master can be so out of it sometimes, too.」 Chocola: 「Ahaha, you said it, meow~♪」 Kashou: 「I thought you were on my side, Chocola!」 Why am I suddenly the one being made fun of here? Well, putting that aside... Shigure: 「Listen here, Nii-sama.」 Shigure: 「You need to make sure to keep up with the proper procedures even after they've gotten their bells.」 Shigure: 「Society is constantly changing, that much is a given.」 Shigure: 「You won't have to go for check-ups as often if there are no issues, but...」 Shigure: 「Chocola and Vanilla have just gotten theirs, so you'll have to be on top of things.」 Shigure: 「This is just a precaution to prevent any accidents from happening.」 Kashou: 「I get it. Alright.」 I bow my head meekly after heaing her explanation. Chocola: 「So what exactly is this so-called 'check-up'?」 Shigure: 「It's mostly just a review of things you covered on the test to get your bell.」 Vanilla: 「And if you fail...?」 Shigure: 「Then your bell gets revoked.」 Chocola: 「Wh-Wh-Wha--! Meowhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!」 Chocola: 「N-No... That's...! It can't be...!」 Chocola: 「Ah, arghhhhhh...! Wah wah wah wahhhh!!」 Vanilla: 「Ohhhh! Chocola's face has turned snow white...!」 Kashou: 「I'm pretty sure this isn't the time for jokes...」 Shigure: 「Well, if you do fail, you can retake the test as many times as you'd like...」 Shigure: 「...But at this rate, you might not ever get your bell back.」 Chocola: 「N-Nyo waaay! But Chocola... Chocola worked so hard!!」 Chocola: 「Chocola can't believe they'd just turn her hard work into nothing! That's just so mean! Really, really mean! Right, Master?!」 Chocola: 「Like, we should sue 'em! That's how mean they are!」 Kashou: 「Uh, you know it's the same stuff you covered on the last test, right?」 Does this mean she really has no confidence that she'll pass? And just a minute ago, she was making fun of me for being 'out of it'. But she does have a point. She did do pretty terribly back then, too. Shigure: 「The testing venue is quite far from here, so I'll go with you instead of Nii-sama.」 Shigure: 「We can't afford to have the shop close while we're out...」 Shigure: 「...And besides, this might be a rather long battle.」 Kashou: 「Far...? Are you gonna be alright going on your own?」 Shigure: 「Mother came along with me when I went there last with the other catgirls.」 Shigure: 「I'm sure she'd be willing to come along with me again this time.」 Kashou: 「Ahh... I see. Well, if that's the case...」 It feels like I'm causing my family trouble. But I definitely can't close up shop for the day. ...I guess I have no choice. I don't think Mom would really object to it, but... Shigure: 「Why don't you give her a call, Nii-sama?」 Shigure: 「She's always worried about you.」 Kashou: 「You're right. I should call her once in a while.」 Shigure: 「Yes, I think that's a good idea.」 Shigure nods reassuringly with a smile on her face. She looks a bit concerned, too. ...I guess everyone's been trying not to bother me since I moved out. I give Shigure a pat on the head as thanks. Chocola: 「B-But, but~ But keep in mind...」 Chocola: 「...That means you'll be missing Chocola, Vanilla, and Shigure-chan!」 Chocola: 「Chocola thinks you'll have a pretty hard time running the store without us~」 Chocola: 「So you should just leave Chocola here, and Shigure-chan and Vanilla can go--」 Shigure: 「Silence!」 Shigure: 「You cower at mention of the bell test, yet you still call yourself a catgirl of the Minaduki family?」 Shigure: 「The renewal test takes at least two days to complete...」 Shigure: 「...And tomorrow, the store will be closed.」 Shigure: 「If you pass, then you'll only have to take today off.」 Shigure: 「The other catgirls will still be around to help, so there should be no problems, right, Nii-sama?」 Kashou: 「Yeah, just one day shouldn't be a big deal. Don't worry about us.」 Chocola: 「Nyaaaoooowww!!!」 Chocola: 「Master, you don't understand the feelings of a catgirl in love at all! You fiendish fondant fool!!」 Chocola: 「Save that kind of attitude for the bedroom!!」 Shigure: 「Enough out of you! Are you trying to make me jealous? Huh?!」 Shigure: 「As punishment, you need to share with me just how wonderfully fiendish Nii-sama can be!」 Kashou: 「For the love of God, please don't!!」 Vanilla: 「Well, our older sisters all have bells, so it should be no problem.」 Vanilla: 「If you've got time to be whining, you've got time to be walking.」 Shigure: 「Exactly. Let's go somewhere where Nii-sama isn't. Hmph!」 Chocola: 「Meowwwwwwghhh!!!」 Chocola: 「Master! Help! Save me, Master!」 Vanilla: 「We'll make sure to bring back souvenirs, Master~」 Shigure: 「Heheh, looks like this renewal test will be quite the event! Heh heh heh~♪」 Kashou: 「...Well, whatever happens, happens.」 Chocola waves her arms frantically as she's dragged away, crying. I watch Shigure as she skips off. Kashou: 「...Now, then.」 Kashou: 「We just lost those three. Think we'll be alright?」 Coconut: 「It'll be no problem. Just leave it to us.」 Azuki: 「We really have way too many people normally, don't we?」 Maple: 「If we were humans, this place would be totally in the red.」 Cinnamon: 「And I just love working at La Soleil! It's so fun~♪」 Judging by everyone's replies, things seem like they'll be okay. Kashou: 「I'm thinking that we'll put a hold on making deliveries until Shigure and the others get back.」 Kashou: 「If things are still too tough, let me know though. We'll think of a way to deal with it.」 Kashou: 「As for the storefront...」 Kashou: 「...Can I count on you, Azuki?」 Azuki: 「Yeah, yeah. It's my job. Of course I'll do it.」 Azuki: 「I'm expecting a reward that'll be useful in this capitalist world.」 Kashou: 「I'll think about it if you work as hard as member of this capitalist world.」 Kashou: 「Alright, it'll be just us on board for the next couple days. Good luck, everyone.」 All: 「Very well.」 And so, we opened La Soleil with this temporary staffing setup. Azuki: 「Yo, Kashou, things've slowed down, so I'll be puttin' catgirls on breaks.」 Kashou: 「Okay. You're in charge of the front, so I'll leave it up to you.」 Azuki: 「Sigh... This is just a freakin' part time job. Why do I gotta do all the work here?」 Azuki: 「Is this some kinda fast food burger joint? Huh?」 Kashou: 「I appreciate it, Azuki, really.」 Azuki: 「Yeah, yeah. Just keep sayin' that.」 Azuki: 「I ain't as easy as ChocoVani.」 Kashou: 「I didn't think you were.」 Kashou: 「Like I said, I'm thinking about giving you a bonus. There, there.」 Azuki: 「Hah! If you think my tail's gonna stand up straight and happy just from you pattin' me, then you got another thing comin'!」 Azuki: 「I ain't some kid, you know.」 Kashou: 「Okay, okay, I get it.」 Azuki's always joking, but she really does do her job well. Even though she talks smack, she's really the hardest working of the bunch. After all's said and done, she's still the eldest sister. It's just like Shigure said. Kashou: 「Think you can keep this up for the next few days?」 Kashou: 「Shigure did say that they might end up taking longer.」 Azuki: 「Meh, I don't think we'll have any problems.」 Azuki: 「If anything, I guess I'm worried about Nuts. That doofus ends up tryin' to do too much, and it never really works out.」 Kashou: 「What do you mean?」 Azuki: 「Lately, she's been really enthusiastic about work all of a sudden. Which is fine and all...」 Azuki: 「...But it's not like she's gonna suddenly get better at things or somethin'.」 Azuki: 「If I don't keep an eye on her, she tries to do more than she ought to, and it's dangerous.」 Kashou: 「Well, I'll leave you in charge of her, too, 'big sis'.」 Azuki: 「Ugh, keepin' catgirls is such a pain. Such a paaaaain!」 Azuki: 「Anyway, I'll do as much as I can.」 Coconut: 「Grrrrrr...!」 Coconut: 「That Azuki, I swear! She just says whatever to Kashou-sama...!」 Coconut: 「I know I'm kind of clumsy, but there's things I can do too! Really! Grrrrrrrrr...!!」 Maple: 「Coconut keeps peeking into the kitchen. What's up with her?」 Cinnamon: 「Is she fighting with Azu-chan again~?」 Maple: 「Haah, those two just never quit.」 Cinnamon: 「That's just what makes them who they are. Ahaha~」 Kashou: 「...Okay.」 Kashou: 「That takes care of inventory up until the day after tomorrow.」 I look over the list again... ...And check what's inside the fridge, then close the door. The clock now reads 10:00 p.m. The catgirls had all left for home long ago. Kashou: 「It sure is quiet without Chocola and Vanilla.」 I haven't been on my own like this in a while. We're closed tomorrow, so there's no prep to do, either. It's kinda boring. Kashou: 「...I guess I'll go rent a DVD or something.」 At least that'll distract me for a while. I get ready to undo the knot to remove my apron, when... Coconut: 「Anyone here...?」 Kashou: 「Hm? Coconut?」 Kashou: 「What's wrong? Didn't you go home?」 Coconut: 「Well, I was going to go home, but...」 She stutters. It seems like she's at a loss for words. Coconut: 「Hmmm... Haaaah...」 Coconut: 「...Kashou-sama!」 Coconut: 「Please, give me special training!!」 Kashou: 「...'Special training'?」 Coconut: 「Yes, special training! Please!」 Kashou: 「Uh, I'm not sure what you're asking for...」 Kashou: 「What's gotten into you?」 Coconut: 「I...」 She stutters again. After strengthening her resolve, she nods to herself. Coconut: 「Ya kno-- You know, lately, I've been thinking that there has to be something I can do well...」 Coconut: 「But earlier today, when Azuki was saying those things about me, I just got so frustrated...」 Kashou: 「Saying things...?」 Well, she's not wrong about Azuki talking about her. Azuki probably said quite a bit to Coconut in person, too. She can be pretty ruthless... Coconut: 「...So please! I want to prove Azuki wrong!」 Coconut: 「I want some special training so that I can improve! Chocola and Vanilla aren't around, so it can be a secret, too!」 Coconut: 「Please, Kashou-sama!」 Coconut: 「There's no one else for me to turn to but you, Kashou-sama! Please!」 Kashou: 「Well, if you insist...」 If Coconut can handle other kinds of tasks... ...Then that would be a huge help to the shop. ...And I'm feeling a bit lonely, too. Coconut: 「Thank you! Please teach me, Kashou-sensei!!」 So, just like that... ...Coconut's secret training began. ...Thirty minutes later. Coconut: 「Awghhh... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!」 Coconut: 「I... I'm just such a... such a failure of a catgirl...」 Coconut: 「There's no way someone like me could become a dazzling waitress at the shop...」 Coconut: 「I knew that such a cute outfit like this wouldn't look good on me... I knew it, but...!」 Coconut: 「Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!」 Coconut cries hysterically, completely breaking down. She's talking like how she used to before. Well, it wasn't so long ago that she was this pessimistic... Kashou: 「No need to cry this much over things... okay?」 Kashou: 「It's not like I could do everything perfectly at first, either...」 Coconut: 「Even you think that I'm a goner, huh, Kashou-sama...?!」 Coconut: 「I can't crack an egg without getting pieces of shell mixed in, and half of anything I try to mix just ends up flying right out of the bowl!」 Coconut: 「Cleaning is just an endless loop of me sweeping and accidentally spilling the dustpan, and I keep breaking cups when I do the dishes!」 Coconut: 「I keep dropping the receipt paper when refilling it, and it ends up rolling out like a red carpet!」 Coconut: 「I'm supposed to be helping you out here, but you'd think I was just trying to throw a wrench into things...!!」 Kashou: 「Uhh, well... That, uh, might be true...」 There have been quite a few cups being broken recently... I guess she's the culprit. It's all part of the cafe's overhead, so I don't really mind, but... Coconut: 「That's it. I'm nothing but a huge, useless, walking Engel's law!」 Coconut: 「I have no right to even be here, much less be a member of the Minaduki family...」 Coconut: 「I know. I'll go on a journey... alone...」 Coconut: 「Or maybe I should just go straight on up to cat heaven with the happy memories I have. It's better than living as a stray catgirl...!」 Kashou: 「Wait, wait, wait, wait! Calm down! Take it easy, Coconut!!」 Kashou: 「L-Let's just head upstairs for now! Okay?!」 Kashou: 「You probably haven't had anything to eat yet, so let's take a break and think things through! Yeah?!」 Coconut: 「But I... I don't deserve anything!」 Kashou: 「I'll make you an extra large serving of omelette rice! I'll be sweet and fluffy, okay?」 Coconut: 「A-An extra large serving that's sweet and fluffy...?!」 Coconut: 「A-And you'll write my name on it with ketchup, right?! Right?!」 Coconut: 「Ahhhhh, no, no! You can't, Kashou-sama!!」 Coconut: 「You shouldn't tempt this failure of a catgirl! Noooooo!!」 Kashou: 「I haven't had dinner either, so just get out of your work uniform and take it easy for a bit, okay?」 Coconut: 「Nooo! You shouldn't be so nice to a catgirl who never pays for her meals!」 Coconut: 「I'll be going to up to cat heaven after this, so I might as well have a super extra large serving, please!」 Kashou: 「Super extra large, got it.」 And like that, the special training was put on hold. Coconut: 「This... This is delicious! Your cooking is absolutely superb, Kashou-sama!!」 Coconut: 「Can I really have as many helpings as I want?!」 Coconut: 「Is it alright for me to live as luxuriously as this?!」 Kashou: 「There's more than enough here. Don't worry about it.」 Coconut: 「Thank you! I love you, Kashou-sama! Munch munch munch!!」 Coconut sure can eat. Seeing her enjoying it so much makes cooking for her more than worthwhile. I am a pastry chef, but I do have some experience cooking other things, too. I sip my tea... ...As I watch Coconut gobble down the food with a smile on her face. Kashou: 「Hm, truth be told, though...」 Today was the first time I actually paid attention to Coconut at work. She's definitely clumsy. No doubt about it. The way she works, you'd think she had her eyes closed the whole time. She was so nervous that she was practically shaking. Was she always this bad under pressure? She has really good overall motor skills and reflexes, so she should be pretty coordinated... ...But reality is harsh. Well, it's not like she has to get better in a day. Kashou: 「Oh yeah, what about the other catgirls?」 Kashou: 「Like dinner, and baths, and stuff.」 Kashou: 「I mean, Shigure and Mom aren't around, right?」 Coconut: 「Oh, right. Shigure-sama, Mother, and Father are all out, gulp.」 Coconut: 「There should be some ingredients left, and everyone can cook to a degree.」 Coconut: 「Shigure-sama also left some money just in case, so there's no need to worry.」 Coconut: 「Everyone has bells, so they can go out to eat or have something delivered.」 Coconut: 「Ahhh~ And just look at me in comparison...」 Coconut: 「I haven't gotten any training done, and I'm here, just shoveling omelette rice down my throat. Munch munch munch munch.」 Coconut: 「Ahhh~ I'm hopeless! I'm such a hopeless catgirl! Munch munch munch!」 She's either really down or just plain stubborn. At least she's feeling well enough to eat this much. Anyway, I should change the topic. Kashou: 「Oh, by the way, I've had something I've wanted to ask for a while now.」 Coconut: 「Huh? What is it?」 Kashou: 「When did you start changing the way you speak?」 Coconut: 「Ah, well...」 Kashou: 「You're suddenly speaking a lot more politely.」 Kashou: 「Until recently, you always called the other catgirls 'Onee-chan' too.」 Kashou: 「You even add '-sama' when you address me now.」 Kashou: 「I was just curious is all.」 Coconut: 「......」 She stops eating and lowers her gaze. It's obvious that she's having a hard time thinking of how to respond, so I throw her a lifeline. Kashou: 「Ahh, sorry. It's okay if you don't want to say.」 Coconut: 「No, it's okay...」 Coconut: 「......」 Coconut: 「It's because... I'm not a little girl anymore. She puts her spoon down... ...And speaks in subdued voice. Coconut: 「I have two little sisters now, Chocola and Vanilla...」 Coconut: 「...And I got my bell with full marks. I can't always let Azuki look after me...」 Coconut: 「I've grown taller than all of my big sisters too.」 Coconut: 「I just felt like I had to grow up.」 Coconut: 「That's why I've tried to change how I speak and how I act.」 Coconut: 「...Is it... weird?」 She smiles slightly, looking somewhat troubled and a bit defeated. It's the first time I've seen her make such a face. I'm not sure what to say. Kashou: 「Coconut...」 Catgirls and humans have different ways of growing up. ...I recall what Shigure said before. For a moment, I'm at a loss for words. I'm sure she has her own reasons for doing this. I shouldn't poke my nose into her problems. But... ...Coconut is my family. It's precisely because she's family that I have to tell her. She's important to me. I look Coconut straight in the eyes and answer her. Kashou: 「It is. It is weird.」 Coconut: 「Wha...? It is...?」 Kashou: 「Coconut, even you understand, right?」 Kashou: 「You're forcing yourself to be someone you're not.」 Kashou: 「That's why you're having such a hard time. It's written all across your face.」 Coconut: 「Kashou-sama...」 Coconut: 「...Ngh.」 She lightly bites down on her lip. It's as if she wants to say something... ...But instead, she swallows her words. She averts her gaze in resignation. Coconut: 「...I know.」 Coconut: 「Even I've known... all this time...」 Coconut: 「...That I was just forcing myself. That it was something I couldn't do.」 Coconut: 「But... But... everyone else can do so much...」 Coconut: 「I'm the only one... who can do so little...」 Kashou: 「Coconut.」 Coconut: 「Kashou-sama...?」 I grab onto Coconut's hand... ...And hold it as gently as I can. Kashou: 「You don't need to do everything perfectly.」 Kashou: 「It's okay if you're still just a kitten.」 Coconut: 「But then, I--」 I shake my head, cutting her off... ...And lightly squeeze her hand. Kashou: 「Coconut, if you were in my shoes...」 Kashou: 「...What would you do if you saw that a member of your family was in pain and forcing themselves to be something they're not?」 Kashou: 「You're family to me. I think of us as brother and sister.」 Kashou: 「I don't want to see you suffer like this.」 Coconut: 「...Kashou-sama.」 Kashou: 「The same goes for the work in the store.」 Kashou: 「I'm happy that, you, Coconut, came to help out.」 Kashou: 「It's not about whether you can or can't do your job well.」 Kashou: 「Seeing you give your all in your own unique way makes me as happy as I can be.」 Kashou: 「So don't say that you're worthless just because you aren't doing so great.」 Kashou: 「It's just... too sad.」 Coconut: 「Kashou-sama...」 Coconut starts to tear up... ...And her clenched fist slowly begins to loosen. Kashou: 「It's very like you to want to grow up and become a model catgirl.」 Kashou: 「I'll help you out as much as I can, be it training or something else.」 Kashou: 「You can talk to me like you always have. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not.」 Kashou: 「Just be yourself and stop trying to be so polite all the time.」 Kashou: 「You've been a precious member of my family long before you started talking so formally, right? 」 She slowly nods... ...With tears overflowing from her eyes. Coconut: 「...Yeah. Thanks.」 Coconut: 「I... was all wrong. Sorry...」 Coconut: 「I wanted to hurry up and just become an adult, but I couldn't...」 Coconut: 「I'm sorry for making you go through all this.」 Coconut: 「And...」 Coconut: 「...Thank you so much... for worrying about me.」 She nods slightly, a smile spreading across her face. That smile of hers is way too cute... I squeeze her hand in response. Coconut: 「It's okay, I'm good now.」 Coconut: 「Even if I'm kind of clumsy and accident-prone, I won't try to change who I am...」 Coconut: 「...Cause my precious Onii-chan says I'm okay just the way I am.」 Coconut takes my hand and places it against her forehead. Her warmth gradually flows into my hand. That warmth is enough to convince me that she's fine now. Coconut: 「I'm so glad I'm a catgirl of the Minaduki family.」 Coconut: 「I'm the happiest catgirl in the world.」 Kashou: 「I'm glad. Thanks for being part of my family.」 Coconut: 「No, I should thank you... from the bottom of my heart.」 How precious. I gently bring her head closer in an embrace. Time seems to stop as I continue to pat her on the head. Kashou: 「Okay, now just loosen up~」 Coconut: 「Deep breaths... Huff... puff...」 Kashou: 「Relax~」 Coconut: 「Slowly and gently...」 %D$vl1;crack %D$vl1;plop Coconut: 「I did it! I did it! Look, look! There's no egg shells in it!」 Coconut: 「I was able to crack the egg so cleanly! Hell YEAH!!」 She strikes a victory pose like she's a soccer player who just scored. It was just her nerves and shaky hands that were making it hard for her. Although it's pretty amazing how she puts effort into every little thing she does. In any case, she's definitely made progress, so I'll celebrate with her. Coconut: 「Now I can do the dishes, cleanup, and change the receipt paper rolls without a hitch!」 Coconut: 「This is all thanks to you, Onii-cha--」 Coconut: 「Ack!!」 Coconut: 「S-Sorry! I mean, Kashou-sama, er, san...」 Coconut looks at me apologetically, eyes upturned. Just seeing her react like that makes me chuckle. Kashou: 「I don't mind you calling me Onii-chan, though.」 Coconut: 「...Really? You don't mind?」 Coconut: 「I'm, you know, kind of big and not that cute... You really don't mind if I call you Onii-chan?」 Kashou: 「I just told you that I think of you as a cute little sister, didn't I?」 Kashou: 「If that's what you want to call me, then I don't mind at all.」 Coconut: 「Kashou-san...」 Coconut: 「Did you know? Whenever... Whenever I look at Shigure-sama...」 Coconut: 「...I get so envious thinking how nice it would be to have a big brother.」 Coconut: 「That's why I was so happy when you said that you considered us brother and sister.」 Coconut: 「I'm a bit of a bigger catgirl, so...」 Coconut: 「...I never thought you'd see me as a little sister, Onii-chan.」 I pat her on the head some more. Kashou: 「Still, you're shorter than me, right?」 Kashou: 「Besides, big or small, you're still really cute.」 Kashou: 「I've only had Shigure as a sister up until now, but I'm happy to hear that you want me as your older brother.」 Coconut: 「Onii-chan...」 Coconut: 「Okay, then... I'll start calling you 'Onii-chan', okay?」 Coconut: 「Onii-chan! Onii-chan... Eheheh, my Onii-chan...♪」 Her smile was a mixture of bashfulness and mischievousness. She repeats the words over and over like they were some sort of magical happiness spell. There was such a huge difference between how she had forced herself to act and how she's behaving now. I end up chuckling some more. Kashou: 「You're so cute, Coconut.」 Coconut: 「Really? Really, really?」 Coconut: 「I'm so happy to hear that from you, Onii-chan~♪ Eheheh~♪」 Her ears flop about as she smiles. This straightforward honesty reminds me of Chocola. Was Coconut always this adorable? She's way cuter now than when she was trying to keep up her act before. Kashou: 「Oh, it's already past eleven.」 I look at the clock and see that it's past 11:30 p.m. It gotten late all of a sudden. Kashou: 「It's pretty late. Wanna stay over?」 Kashou: 「Chocola and Vanilla's beds are free, anyway.」 Coconut: 「Is it okay? You sure?」 Coconut: 「Sweet! I get to sleep over at Onii-chan's place, nyay~! ♪」 Kashou: 「Alright, it's late, so go take a bath now.」 Kashou: 「I'll get everything ready for you to stay over.」 Coconut: 「Okaaay~♪ Thanks a lot, Onii-chan~♪」 Shigure: 「Nii-sama, this little sister of yours has called to receive your words of affection.」 Kashou: 「Oh, my beloved little sister. What's up?」 Shigure: 「Pwff...! Calling me 'beloved' all of a sudden...!」 Shigure: 「Y-You seem to be out for my blood lately, Nii-sama... Guhhh...♪」 Shigure: 「Oh, Vanilla, could you hand me that bath towel? I need to wipe up this nosebleed.」 I hear Vanilla reply, 'okaaay' on the other end. Kashou: 「...You okay?」 Shigure: 「Sorry. I was just teasing you a bit.」 Shigure: 「I wanted to let you know about Chocola and Vanilla's progress.」 Shigure: 「It seems that returning tomorrow will be impossible.」 Shigure: 「It shouldn't be much longer than one week at most, but we may end up coming back without bells.」 Kashou: 「Okay. I'll leave everything up to you.」 Shigure: 「We'll do our best. Anyway, I'll keep you updated.」 Shigure: 「I love you dearly, Nii-sama.」 Chocola: 「M-Master~! Help! Save me, save meeeeooooowghhhhhhhh--」 Kashou: 「...A week at most, huh?」 I'm really glad Shigure and Mom went for me instead. I'll just pretend I didn't hear Chocola's screams of agony. When it comes to catgirls, Shigure knows far more than I do. Kashou: 「Hm? A call from home...?」 Shigure generally uses her cellphone to call. ...And Mom is with her and Chocola and Vanilla. Which means that if this call is from home, then... Azuki: 「Yo, Kashou! Nuts is over there, right? Just checkin' up on that dolt.」 Azuki: 「I'm sure she's causing ya all kinds of trouble, but nothin' too bad, right?」 Kashou: 「Yeah, she's at my place. There's no issues either, really. We're fine.」 Azuki: 「Oh, well if she's not gettin' into any trouble, that's good.」 Azuki: 「...But she needs to phone or somethin' if she's gonna stay over, geez.」 Kashou: 「I should have called about her earlier. My bad, sorry.」 Kashou: 「Coconut is in the bath right now.」 Kashou: 「She's sleeping over since it got pretty late all of a sudden. I'll bring her back tomorrow morning, though.」 Azuki: 「Ugh, that catgirl. She just keeps causin' trouble for all of us...」 Kashou: 「You're such a wonderful big sister for them to have, always looking out for them and all.」 Azuki: 「If I don't keep tabs on 'em, I won't hear the end of it from Shigure.」 Azuki: 「As long as she's safe, that's fine. We'll figure out the rest later.」 Kashou: 「...You have to deal with quite a lot all on your own, huh, Azuki?」 Even though she really looks out for everyone, she can be pretty sarcastic. I guess that's what made it hard for her to show that she really does care about Coconut. Looks like both people and catgirls can give out mixed signals, huh? Coconut: 「Phwah~ Onii-chan, I'm done in the bath!」 Kashou: 「Great. I hope you didn't have any trouble getting the water goin--」 Kashou: 「...Coconut?」 Kashou: 「...Why are you wearing my shirt?」 Amazing. She's completely naked except for my white dress shirt. She probably pulled it out of the laundry machine. ...I guess Chocola and Vanilla's clothes wouldn't fit her at all, though. I feel like this is something I really shouldn't be seeing, but... if she's okay with it, I guess it's fine. She's wearing underwear. I should just give her a new shirt. Yeah. I nod as I come to a solution. Kashou: 「Ah, you haven't dried your hair off, have you? It's still all wet.」 Coconut: 「It doesn't dry that easily when it's this long, so I always just leave it like this... Eheheh...」 Coconut: 「Shigure always dries it off for me, though.」 Coconut: 「It's such a hassle for me to do it myself, so...」 She tries to play it off with a smirk. Kashou: 「Oh, alright, fine. Come over here.」 Coconut: 「What...?」 Coconut: 「Meow~♪ This feels great~♪」 Coconut: 「You're being so gentle, Onii-chan~♪」 Kashou: 「If it starts getting too hot, let me know, okay?」 Coconut: 「Okay~ I'm totally alright~♪」 I try to make sure that the hot air doesn't hit Coconut in the face. I make sure to move it around a lot so that it doesn't burn her anywhere. Coconut: 「Onii-chan, you're pretty good at this, huh?」 Kashou: 「I used to blow dry Shigure's hair when we were kids, but now I do it for Chocola and Vanilla.」 Coconut: 「I see. So that's where all your experience comes from.」 Coconut: 「Are you really okay with spoiling me so much, though?」 Coconut: 「You're probably all tired from work and stuff...」 Kashou: 「Don't be silly. This is nothing.」 Kashou: 「I wouldn't consider this as 'spoiling' you at all.」 Kashou: 「I'm just doing this for you because I want to.」 Kashou: 「You've been helping me out at the shop too, right?」 Kashou: 「So this isn't 'spoiling you' or anything, I'm just showing my gratitude.」 Coconut: 「...Mmkay. I help out at the cafe simply because I want to, though.」 Coconut: 「I mean, you're my family, and I am your little sister... Right, Onii-chan?」 Kashou: 「Exactly.」 Coconut: 「'Exactly', right? Eheheh~」 Coconut: 「No matter how many times you say it, it always makes me so happy.」 Kashou: 「I'd be more than happy to say it as many times as you'd like.」 Coconut: 「Okay, please say it over and over again.」 Kashou: 「As you wish.」 We continue to engage in light banter as I dry the ends of her hair. Kashou: 「Ah, your tail isn't dry yet, either.」 Kashou: 「Might as well dry it too.」 Coconut: 「Meowrgh! Ahh, nghh... O-Onii-chan...!」 Coconut: 「M-My tail is sensitive! Please be gentle with it... Mmm, nhaah...」 Kashou: 「Ah, my bad. This is the first time I've dried a tail as fluffy as yours, so I'm not sure how gentle I should to be.」 Kashou: 「I'll be a bit softer with it, so just let me know when you're alright.」 I move the hair dryer further away... ...And slowly, softly follow the contours of her tail. Coconut: 「Y-Yeah... this is... much better than earlier. Nnhh...」 Coconut: 「It feels... so good... and it kind of tickles, but in a good way... Hahh...」 Coconut: 「I-I'm trying... hahh... trying to control myself, but... Nnnghhh...」 Coconut: 「Hahh, haaahhhh~♪ Mya-- What's going on...? ♪」 Coconut: 「This feels so different than... when Shigure-chan touches my tail~♪」 Coconut: 「Onii-chan, your fingers are, like, sending jolts throughout my body... Haaahh...♪」 Kashou: 「Jolts? Should I stop then?」 Coconut: 「I-I'm fine...♪ I can... I can take it...」 Coconut: 「Please, just keep-- Meow!! Ahh, ahhh~ ♪」 Kashou: 「Okay, tail's all dry.」 Kashou: 「You okay, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「Hahhh, hahh... I'm... I'm fine. Hahh, haahh...」 Coconut: 「I just got out of the bath, and now look at me... I'm just so... sweaty and wet all over...」 Coconut takes a few deep breaths to try to compose herself. I need to learn more about drying tails. I nod to myself. Coconut: 「Thanks again, Onii-chan.」 Coconut: 「It's been so long since I had someone care for me like this. I'm really happy.」 Kashou: 「I'd be more than happy to do it anytime as long as you're okay with it.」 Kashou: 「So try not to try so hard, okay, Coconut?」 Coconut: 「Teehee, 'try not to try so hard'? That sure sounds funny.」 Kashou: 「Haha, you're right.」 Kashou: 「Let's just say I'm rooting for you, too, okay.」 Coconut: 「Yeah. Thanks, Onii-chan.」 I pat her soft and fluffy hair... ...And we nod to each other, smiles on our faces. Coconut: 「Fwaah... Ngh, aah...」 Coconut: 「Fwahh... Oh, I'm sorr-- I'm yawni-- ngaah~」 I look at the clock only to see that it is now past midnight. She'd have normally been long asleep by now according to Shigure's daily routine. Kashou: 「It's gotten really late, hasn't it?」 Kashou: 「I've already changed Chocola and Vanilla's bed sheets, and...」 Kashou: 「...Tomorrow's a day off, so have a nice sleep, okay.」 Coconut: 「Thanks for doing all this, Onii-chan.」 Coconut: 「I'll take you up on your offer then. Good night.」 Kashou: 「Yeah, good night.」 Coconut: 「...Onii-chan?」 Coconut turns around to face me. With her gaze pointed to the floor, she starts to fidget. Kashou: 「Hm? What's wrong?」 Coconut: 「Umm, you know...」 Coconut: 「...Onii-chan, I...」 She hesitates for a moment. After she looks like she summons a bit of courage, she takes a step toward me. Coconut: 「...Onii-chan, thank you for everything you've done for me today.」 Coconut: 「You praised me a lot after that incident with Milk...」 Coconut: 「...And you said so many wonderful things to me today...」 Coconut: 「I'm really, really such a lucky catgirl.」 She takes my hand and gives it a bit of a squeeze. And just as a cat would, she then nuzzles her cheek against it. Coconut: 「I'm... I'm going to do my best.」 Coconut: 「I won't keep on hesitating. I won't lose my way anymore. I promise.」 Kashou: 「...Coconut.」 Coconut: 「That's all I wanted to say.」 Coconut: 「Good night, Onii-chan. Sweet dreams~」 Kashou: 「'I promise', huh?」 The smell of Coconut just fresh out of the bath... Her soft skin, her warm touch... The combination takes me by surprise, and my face flushes red. Kashou: 「...Well, Coconut is pretty cute...」 What am I doing, thinking of Coconut in that way...?! I'm almost her older brother! I slap myself lightly for having entertained the thought for even a moment. Kashou: 「Alright, I should take a bath and get to bed.」 I say it out loud to myself. As I mutter to myself, I head to the bath. Because Coconut came by... ...I hadn't felt the slightest bit lonely tonight.