A few days after Chocola and Vanilla returned... Chocola: 「Meowelcome!」 Chocola: 「Chocola welcomes you with her shiny, new bell!」 Vanilla: 「What are you talking about, Chocola? The bell itself hasn't changed.」 Chocola: 「Meowow! Chocola guesses you're right!」 Chocola: 「Well, then it's the shiny, new Chocola that welcomes you!」 Vanilla: 「Chocola is a truly lovable catgirl. Truly lovable.」 Cinnamon: 「It's such a nice day out. How does a grapefruit gelee cake sound?」 Cinnamon: 「It'll be sooo delicious and refreshing~♪」 Maple: 「If you're going to have the grapefruit cake, why don't you try our chilled, two-toned Earl Grey grapefruit tea along with it?.」 Maple: 「I've tried it before and it's really good. Trust me.」 Shigure: 「Coconut, can you ring the customers up please?」 Coconut: 「Sure, I'll take care of it, Shigure-chan!」 Coconut: 「I got some special training with Azuki and Onii-chan yesterday, so I won't mess up!」 Coconut: 「Hrmm, nine... eight... zero... yen... for two items...」 Coconut: 「...Six... hundred... yen... for three, plus...」 Shigure: 「We're very sorry, please wait just a moment.」 Azuki: 「...Well, it's not like we're that busy, so it's no problem, right?」 Azuki: 「Nuts just needs a bit more experience still, that's all.」 Kashou: 「Yeah, I'd rather her take her time than make mistakes. At least for now.」 Chocola, Vanilla, and Shigure are back now. Things around the cafe have gotten much calmer now that Coconut is making far fewer mistakes. Azuki: 「Seems like she still remembers how to cut corners like an idiot.」 Azuki: 「But if she keeps this up, I'll be able to relax in no time.」 She's still cracking the same jokes as usual, but I think she's grown a bit. Kashou: 「Hey, why don't you help me out with this cake, Azuki?」 Azuki: 「Huh? What're you sayin' all of a sudden?」 Kashou: 「It's just a suggestion.」 Kashou: 「I figured that since we have more than enough help out front that maybe you could give me a hand in the kitchen.」 Kashou: 「We're split half in the front and half in the back, so I figured it'd be okay no matter what Vanilla says.」 Kashou: 「Just thought it might be nice to have someone back here with me.」 Azuki: 「What, you sayin' that the next step up from manager is patissier?」 Azuki: 「Just how far you gonna go exploitin' us catgirls, huh?」 Kashou: 「It's because you showed me how capable you can be during that incident recently.」 Kashou: 「I kind of feel like I could put you in charge of the cake baking one day, Azuki.」 Kashou: 「As the owner, I can't ignore such potential.」 I exaggerate the way I say that last line a bit. Azuki must think so too, as she shrugs her shoulders in resignation. Azuki: 「You're gonna make me do it no matter what I say, right?」 Azuki: 「Man, domesticated catgirls have it real hard. This is definitely catgirl harassment.」 Kashou: 「You're the only one I can ask this of, Azuki.」 Kashou: 「I'm sure you understand that, right? So, please.」 I bow my head earnestly. Azuki sighs in feigned defeat. She scratches her head, annoyed, and nods slightly. Azuki: 「...Well, I guess I do owe you, Kashou.」 Azuki: 「Just don't expect too much, alright?」 Azuki: 「No matter how much potential you think I have, I'm still a catgirl, you know.」 Azuki: 「I can do anything you'd like me to, but I can't do what I can't do, got it?」 Kashou: 「I'll teach you everything you need to know.」 Kashou: 「I'm sure you'll be fine.」 Brimming with confidence, I give her my approval. She looks away in embarrassment. Azuki: 「...Well, I'll give it my best shot.」 Azuki: 「Just don't push all your work onto me, okay?」 Azuki: 「I don't need a training period, but I'm not gonna work for free, ya hear me?」 Kashou: 「Yeah, I get it.」 Kashou: 「As long as the others are okay with it, there shouldn't be any problems, right?」 Azuki: 「That's pretty sneaky of you, Kashou.」 Azuki: 「If that's how it's gonna be, you better start cryin' and beggin' and give me a good show here.」 Kashou: 「It's settled then.」 Kashou: 「I'll be counting on you from now on, alright?」 I give Azuki a hearty pat on the back. Coconut: 「What's this? You're going to help with cake baking, Onee-chan?」 Azuki: 「Yeah. Looks like I got roped into it somehow.」 Azuki: 「Any catgirl with a brain knows to hide her claws, but I guess I couldn't stop my true skills from shinin' through.」 Coconut: 「Whoa, that's amazing! I'm looking forward to your cakes, Onee-chan~♪」 Coconut: 「Let me make one too! I wanna bake a cake!」 Kashou: 「Hmm, I guess we don't see many customers until it gets a bit later into the evening...」 Kashou: 「Alright, why don't you give us a hand then, Coconut?」 Who knows? Maybe she has some sort of hidden potential in her. If things do happen to go well, having another set of hands wouldn't hurt, either. Coconut: 「Alright! I'm gonna give it my all!」 And just like that, a new experiment began at La Soleil. Coconut: 「Wahhhhhhhh...!」 Coconut: 「I can't do it! I really am just a useless catgirl...!」 Kashou: 「...I guess things won't work out after all.」 Azuki: 「Well, this is about what I was expectin' to happen. Can't say I'm surprised.」 Coconut collapses before the grossly abstract shortcake. She was only supposed to frost the sponge cake with cream... ...How in the world did she manage this? I can't believe what I'm seeing. Coconut: 「Wahhh... It's not supposed to... It wasn't supposed to end up like this...!」 Coconut: 「I should've never tried screwin' around with all this... Waah...!」 Kashou: 「You're not going to become a pro overnight, you know.」 Azuki: 「If you put a little more heart into it, you wouldn't have such a hard time.」 Kashou: 「I don't even know what to say...」 Coconut: 「Waghhh... Onee-chan... What should I do with this?」 Azuki: 「Well, it'd be a waste to just toss it, so I'll help ya fix it up.」 Kashou: 「If you think you can, Azuki...」 Is it even salvageable at this point? All I can do is sit back and watch. Azuki: 「...And that's it, I suppose.」 Coconut: 「Whoaaaa...! Oh, wh-whaaat?!」 Kashou: 「Th-This... I-I mean... That's amazing...」 She actually rescued it from the depths of the pastry underworld. I knew she was good, but... ...This is, like... beyond good. She already knows more about decorating cakes than I do... Kashou: 「Um, Azuki, just where did you learn to decorate cakes like this...?」 Azuki: 「I got some pointers the other day. You know, at the restaurant.」 Azuki: 「It's doesn't really fit in with the rest of our cakes, though.」 Kashou: 「...No, I'm just really surprised that you can make something like this.」 Did she really learn all this by just looking at the cakes at the restaurant? ...This catgirl is really something else. She could definitely become a pastry chef. Yeah, this is gonna be great. Coconut: 「I knew I could never be as good as you, Azuki...」 Coconut: 「You're even helping to clean up my mess here, too... Waaah...」 Coconut's shoulders tremble as she lays her face down on the counter. Crap, I didn't think she'd give up so easily...! At this rate, she's going to lose all of her confidence...! Kashou: 「Ah, um... Coconut?」 Kashou: 「It's just one botched sponge cake. It's not that of a big deal, right? Right?」 Coconut: 「...Onee-chan.」 Coconut: 「That's my big sister alright~♪ You're so cool~♪」 Coconut: 「You really are awesome! Thank you, Onee-chan! Purr purr purr~ ♪」 Azuki: 「Hey, cut it out! Don't pick me up! Quit swingin' me around!」 Coconut: 「What's there to be embarrassed about? We're sisters after all~♪」 Azuki: 「What's with this frickin' mood swing?! Hey, wait, don't just start pettin' me!」 Azuki: 「Ah, meow...! Ah, purr, purr... purr~♪ Nyaagh~♪」 Kashou: 「......」 She wasn't giving up, she was just incredibly happy. Happy enough to swing Azuki around like a helicopter. She skillfully spins Azuki around in the narrow kitchen. She's got some really solid coordination, doesn't she? I stare at the pair, smiling. Coconut: 「No matter what excuse you make, it can't hide the fact that your tail is standing straight up! I love you, Onee-chan~♪」 Coconut: 「You're so adorable when you're being tsundere~♪」 Azuki: 「D-Don't lump me into that overdone archetype! I'm more complica--」 Azuki: 「M-Meow...! Purr, purr... purr... purr, purr~♪」 Kashou: 「...The important thing is that you two are getting along, I guess.」 As I stare at the almost sickeningly sweet display... ...I decide that taking a picture of the cake Azuki decorated would be a good idea. Kashou: 「Well, for now, why don't we try baking some sponge cake?」 Kashou: 「Sponge cake is the basis for everything, after all.」 Azuki: 「Alrighty.」 Coconut: 「I'm not good enough to bake a cake yet, so I'll just watch from the sidelines.」 Coconut: 「Good luck, Onee-chan! I'm rooting for you!」 Azuki: 「Geez, it's nothing to get so excited about.」 Coconut has become Azuki's biggest fan. I don't think she would have gotten this far if she hadn't tried to push herself. Though I find this Coconut absolutely adorable. I'm sure Azuki likes her better now as well. Anyway, I suppose it's time we got started. Kashou: 「Mixing is a fundamental part of baking. It's a very important step.」 Azuki: 「Mixing? Even Nuts can do somethin' like that. Well, at least now she can.」 Coconut: 「Eheheh, Onee-chan complimented me~♪」 I don't think that was much of a compliment. Kashou: 「I guess what's most important is how you mix it, really.」 Kashou: 「The taste can change depending on how you do things. Watch me.」 Kashou: 「First, you crack the egg and separate the yolk.」 Kashou: 「Next, add some heat, but be careful so that you don't overcook it.」 Kashou: 「Then mix in the sugar and stir it quickly to make sure it doesn't clump up.」 Kashou: 「When the yolk becomes smooth, you can start using the egg beater.」 Coconut: 「Wow~♪」 Kashou: 「Wh-What's wrong, Coconut...?」 Coconut: 「Nothing. You're just so cool, Onii-chan~♪」 Coconut: 「It's so neat watching you mix it up so skillfully while explaining what you're doing~♪」 Kashou: 「It's not that hard, though...」 Coconut: 「No, it's totally amazing! It's gonna make me fall for you!」 Kashou: 「Errr, I'm happy that you're enjoying watching me, but...」 This really isn't that hard... ...But the fact that she's getting excited about it does make me a little happy. I wonder if Azuki feels the same... Azuki: 「Where the hell are you lookin'?」 Azuki: 「If you're just gonna watch, you gotta concentrate on what's goin' on.」 Coconut: 「Oh, y-yeah!」 Coconut: 「Alright, I'm gonna focus! Hmm hmm, focus, focus...!」 She stares intensely, watching my hands. Kashou: 「Okay, I'm gonna go on to the next step now.」 Kashou: 「When whipping it, you have to do it thoroughly until it becomes firm and fluffy.」 Coconut: 「Wooowww~♪」 Kashou: 「............」 ...Whatever. Coconut did say she wasn't ready to make her own cake yet... ...And Azuki doesn't seem like she's going to say anything to her, either. For now, I'll speed things up a bit for Azuki's sake. Kashou: 「...Next, we bake it in the oven.」 Kashou: 「I'll show you how to check the temperature in a bit once we put it in the oven.」 Kashou: 「Alright, now why don't you give it a shot, Azuki?」 Azuki: 「Gotcha. Guess it's time to put my skills to the test.」 Azuki and I switch places. Azuki: 「Hmm, okay, first is the egg.」 Azuki: 「This is kinda like how you did it, right, Kashou?」 She holds the egg in one hand and prepares to smash it. Kashou: 「Ah, wait! Hold on a sec.」 Azuki: 「Huh? Did I do somethin' wrong?」 Kashou: 「No, that's not what I meant, just...」 Kashou: 「Can I get behind you for a sec?」 Azuki: 「Behind me?」 I step behind Azuki, as if to hug her... ...And extend my arms in front of her. Azuki: 「Urk...!」 I put my hands atop Azuki's. Kashou: 「You see? My hands are a lot bit bigger than yours...」 Kashou: 「...But you still don't have to try to break the egg with only one hand.」 Kashou: 「This is your first time. We don't have to rush through things. Accuracy is what matters.」 Azuki: 「O-Okay...! N-Now I get it, accuracy...!」 Kashou: 「It's easy to crack an egg using a flat surface.」 Azuki: 「Y-Yeah...! I know that... L-Like this, right?」 Kashou: 「Oh, just relax a little more.」 Kashou: 「We're not trying to smash it.」 Azuki: 「Y-Yeah, right. Definitely not...!」 Azuki: 「Relax, relax...! Keep it cool, Azuki...!」 Kashou: 「Yeah, yeah. Just like that.」 Kashou: 「If you stick both your thumbs into the crack, you can pull it apart nicely.」 Azuki: 「Pull it apart... with both thumbs... L-Like this...?」 With a satisfying crack, the contents of the egg plop into the bowl. Kashou: 「Great, great! Nicely done.」 Kashou: 「I knew you'd have no trouble with this, Azuki.」 Azuki: 「Y-You don't need to praise me... for somethin' like that...」 Azuki: 「Givin' me a compliment for breakin' an egg? I ain't a kid or somethin'...」 Despite that, she's blushing happily. Normally, she'd be a lot more rebellious... ...But she's stuttering a lot and being strangely obedient today. Strangely honest, too... Coconut: 「What's wrong, Onee-chan?」 Coconut: 「Your face is bright red...」 Coconut: 「Oh, are you embarrassed 'cause Onii-chan complimented you?」 Azuki: 「I-I'm not embarrassed! Don't be stupid!」 Azuki: 「I'm just, uh, gettin' a little hot 'cause Kashou's clingin' to me!」 Coconut: 「I've never seen you get all flustered because of a compliment, Onee-chan~♪」 Coconut: 「Normally, you'd say--」 Coconut: 「'Of course! Who the hell do ya think I am? Huh?'」 Coconut: 「...Or something like that~♪」 Kashou: 「Yeah, that sounds like her.」 Doing imitations must be one of Coconut's hidden talents. Or maybe she's just been around Azuki that much. Azuki: 「E-Even I get nervous every now and then, ya know!」 Kashou: 「Oh, really? I guess making cakes makes you pretty tense then, huh, Azuki?」 Kashou: 「I always figured you were the kind to keep your cool no matter what you did, but I guess I was wrong.」 She had seemed so calm in that expensive restaurant. She always seems so confident too. Azuki: 「I-It's not the cake bakin' that's makin' me nervous...」 Kashou: 「Well, if it's not the baking, then it must be something else here.」 Azuki: 「Something else?! Y-You-- I-It's not...!」 Chocola&Vanilla: 「Staaaare.」 Azuki: 「...Huh?!」 Chocola: 「Azu-nyan! It's almost like Master is your master, isn't it?!」 Vanilla: 「Azuki. Maiden. You look like a maiden catgirl.」 Azuki: 「Sh-Shut up! I-I'm seriously not some love stricken maiden!」 Azuki: 「Coconut's the one gettin' all lovey-dovey over Kashou! Seriously!」 Azuki: 「Quit makin' stuff up! Seriously, like, for real!!」 Coconut: 「M-My master is Shigure-chan, but...!」 Coconut: 「But Onii-chan... is like my master, right? Eheheh...♪」 Chocola: 「Nya~♪ Coco-chan is falling in love with Master, too, meow~♪」 Vanilla: 「Master really is a pervy pastry puffer.」 Vanilla: 「A real predator. He'll go after any catgirl he lays his eyes on.」 Kashou: 「Stop saying things like that. You'll give people the wrong idea.」 I pinch Vanilla's cheeks as she puffs them out. Chocola: 「But but! Chocola bets it'd be fun if everyone became Master's catpanions, meow~♪」 Vanilla: 「Hmm. That might not be such a bad idea.」 Azuki: 「Wh-What?! You're not helpin' me bake a cake as an excuse to get together with me, are ya?!」 Coconut: 「O-Onii-chan is already catpanions with Chocola and Vanilla...!」 Azuki: 「Yeah, yeah! I ain't so desperate that I'd steal my little sisters' man!」 Kashou: 「Cut it out you guys.」 Kashou: 「This discussion is over. Come on, now.」 Chocola: 「Nyanya? But Chocola's not saying anything weird, is she?」 Vanilla: 「We catgirls are sincere beings, but our love is quite a whimsical thing.」 Chocola: 「Yeah, yeah! We wouldn't want you together some strange catgirl off the streets, but if it's our sisters, then it's totally fine~♪」 Chocola: 「The person I love * the sisters I love = lots and lots of love, nya~♪」 Vanilla: 「Master's starting a harem. Maximum perv. Lecher. Catwomanizer.」 Kashou: 「Alright, alright, alright. Calm down, calm down~ Pet, pet, pet~」 Chocola&Vanilla: 「Purr purr purr purr~♪」 Kashou: 「Geez, just what in the world are you two saying?」 Kashou: 「Coconut, Azuki, say something to them. You're their older sisters.」 Azuki: 「Huh?! Uh, y-yeah, we're their older sisters!」 Azuki: 「Come on, Nuts, give 'em a lecture as an older sister!」 Coconut: 「Whaat? Why me?! You're older than me, Onee-chan!」 Chocola: 「So Coco-chan and Azu-nyan don't want to get all lovey-dovey with Master then, meow?」 Azuki&Coconut: 「...Well, 's not like I'm totally against it, but...」 ...You guys aren't very convincing. Though I'm not even sure how I'd respond to that question myself... Azuki and Coconut are both adorable. Each one has her own charms, but... Chocola: 「Meow~♪ Chocola knyew it~♪」 Chocola: 「Hey, hey! Master, did you hear?」 Vanilla: 「Catgirls have no problems with polygamy... as long as you love us all equally.」 Azuki: 「Th-This is all wrong! I keep tellin' you, you got it all wrong!!」 Azuki: 「It's... Um, I mean...! A-Anyway, you're totally wrong!!」 Chocola: 「No matter what you say, your tail's showing how you really feel, meow.」 Azuki: 「M-My tail's wrong, too! Totally wrong, I tell ya! This is all totally screwed up!!」 Vanilla: 「Coconut, is your heart throbbing? It is, isn't it?」 Coconut: 「Meowgh! D-Don't touch my chest! I'm not Cinnamon, you know!」 Vanilla: 「Not bad, not bad. Nothing special, but...」 Vanilla: 「Since Chocola's and mine are so modest, we might be a little jealous.」 Coconut: 「Nyargh! H-Hey, don't grab on so tight! Vanilla! Meowghh!!」 Kashou: 「...I guess we're done for the day, huh?」 There's nothing I can do to stop them now. I put the sponge cake batter Azuki and I had made into the refrigerator. Kashou: 「We're going to start getting busier and busier, so get back to work, you guys.」 That's about the best I can do. I just surrender myself to the current. Chocola: 「Oh, Master, will you really buy Chocola anything she'd like?」 Kashou: 「Yup. We're celebrating your bell renewals, after all.」 Kashou: 「Why don't you and Vanilla both go pick out whatever you want?」 Chocola: 「Yaaay! A present from Master! Hooray!」 Vanilla: 「That's our master. Always so suave.」 Vanilla: 「It's not hard for me to choose what I want, though.」 Chocola: 「Vanilla, are you ready?」 Vanilla: 「Completely. Everything from tea to potato chips.」 Vanilla: 「This will keep us alive and fighting for a long time.」 Chocola: 「Alrighty, then let's go!」 Chocola: 「Going shopping~♪ Going shopping~♪」 Vanilla: 「Online shopping together with Chocola. I'm so excited.」 Chocola: 「Let's kick things off by browsing Amazoom! Go, go!」 Vanilla: 「Oh, we're getting recommendations based on Master's previous purchases. It's all stuff for the shop... How boring.」 Vanilla: 「I was really hoping we'd find something a little more embarrassing.」 Chocola: 「Come on, that's not what we're here for today.」 Chocola: 「Now, what should we search first? Jewels?」 Vanilla: 「But Chocola, you can't tell the difference between a marble and a pearl.」 Chocola: 「It's all good as long as it's pretty! Even better if it gets Chocola showered in love!」 Vanilla: 「Chocola, you poor thing. You're such a simple catgirl, aren't you?」 Vanilla: 「But that's what makes you cute, so I can't complain.」 Chocola: 「This! Take a look at this, Vanilla! Ohmygosh!」 Chocola: 「Tuna! They have tuna! Whole tunas at that!」 Vanilla: 「Whoa! A whole tuna for 1,720,000 yen...! Splendid. Simply splendid, Chocola!」 Vanilla: 「Let's see how many hits we get in Google for 'Otoro tuna'! I bet there's more than we can eat!」 Chocola: 「Okay, let's bookmark this! We'll make a list and compare them!」 Kashou: 「I said you could get whatever you wanted, but that's a little too expensive, don't you think?」 Kashou: 「Seriously, do not order that. I'll never forgive you if you do.」 I'm giving those merciless catgirls a warning... ...But they'd never dare order it... right? Shigure: 「They're celebrating now, but it was certainly a trying experience, and they only passed the test by a hair's breadth. Sheesh.」 Shigure: 「Vanilla managed without breaking a sweat, but Chocola was completely the opposite.」 Shigure: 「If they ever acted like proper bell-carrying catgirls, I would, indeed, buy them a whole tuna.」 Kashou: 「O-Oh... I see...」 ...A whole tuna, huh? My little sister must have several times more wealth than my store does... When did this younger sister of mine get so scary? Shigure: 「Oh, but if we were to do that, we'd have to buy a refrigerator that can hold a tuna.」 Shigure: 「If you'd like, Nii-sama, I could buy you one as well.」 Kashou: 「We'll save that for next time, I think.」 Shigure: 「Very well, I suppose I should try not to spoil you too much.」 I suddenly feel like her plaything. I wouldn't know what I'd do with such a big refrigerator if she did end up buying me one. Though it's scary to think that she might actually buy it for me if I asked... Shigure: 「Oh, by the way.」 Shigure: 「It seems like Azuki and Coconut have gotten even more attached to you during the time I was gone.」 Shigure: 「It seems you've got an affinity for more than just Chocola and Vanilla, surely~♪」 Kashou: 「I've started to understand what you meant when you said that catgirls are always growing.」 I fill Shigure in on what happened while she was gone. Shigure: 「...Sigh. You're a real catgirl-killer, Nii-sama... No, maybe 'ladykiller' is more accurate.」 Shigure: 「I know you must be proud of that, but as a woman-- No, as your little sister, it worries me...」 Kashou: 「What the hell do you mean by 'ladykiller'?」 Shigure: 「Well, the fact that you don't think that way is also part of your charm. I suppose I can't always have my way.」 She smiles knowingly as she lifts her teacup to her mouth. ...I'm just doing what any family member would do. No one's going to criticize me for that. As I ponder that thought, I take a sip from my own teacup. Shigure: 「By the way, I've been meaning to ask, but...」 Shigure: 「Aren't you worried about the fact that catgirls are polygamous creatures?」 Kashou: 「Nope, I'm not worried about that at all.」 Shigure: 「There will be jealousy, of course, but unlike humans, catgirls don't feel the need to keep their mates to themselves.」 Shigure: 「I know that I don't have to worry about you, Nii-sama. I'm sure you won't be walking down the aisle with any of them, right?」 Shigure: 「Wouldn't it be wonderful if Azuki and Coconut longed to be your brides as well, though?」 Shigure: 「The fact that the daughters I've raised so well have fallen head over heels in love with you makes me happy beyond words, Nii-sama.」 She sits across from me, grinning, while I get more and more confused. Until recently, I had considered myself business partners with the catgirls, but... ...After getting romantically involved with Chocola and Vanilla, I don't know what to say anymore. Shigure: 「Ah~♪ Nii-sama's anguished expression so arouses my spirits as a little sister~♪」 Shigure: 「Please forgive your sinful little sister, who gets such joy out of tormenting her beloved brother, hah hah hah~ ♪」 I still don't know what to say to her, and I turn my head away in embarrassment. Chocola: 「Mrghhhh!」 Chocola: 「If one whole tuna is too expensive, a whole Matsuzaka cow is definitely out of the question...」 Vanilla: 「A Matsuzaka cow seems to cost around 5,000,000 yen... I don't think we have enough, meow...」 Vanilla: 「This is our weakness, as we are but catgirls who have fallen in love with an unresourceful master. What can we do?」 Kashou: 「I'm serious now. If you buy that, we'll go bankrupt.」 I give another strong warning to my two mischievous catgirls. Though I feel like this is just an exercise in futility. Shigure: 「Now then, I shall be taking my leave.」 Kashou: 「See ya. Thanks for all your help.」 Shigure: 「Oh no, having the privilege of helping her older brother is a younger sister's greatest joy.」 Shigure: 「In any case, there is a taxi waiting for me outside.」 Kashou: 「Text me when you make it home, okay?」 Kashou: 「Even if you're taking a taxi home, I still worry.」 Shigure: 「Teehee, Nii-sama, you're always so smooth.」 Shigure: 「If only I wasn't your little sister...」 Kashou: 「Hm? What do you mean?」 Shigure: 「Oh, nothing, nothing.」 Shigure: 「Now, if you'll excuse me...」 Shigure: 「I love you, Nii-sama. Have a good night.」 Kashou: 「...I'm not trying to be cool or anything.」 As I grumble... ...Shigure's taxi pulls out of sight.