Coconut: 「Hey... Onii-chan...?」 Coconut: 「...Is it... really okay?」 Coconut: 「For me to have you all to myself, I mean...」 Just like before, Coconut is wearing one of my white dress shirts. She sits on the bed, looking apologetic, as she plays with her hair. Kashou: 「Chocola and Vanilla are already asleep...」 Kashou: 「So you're not doing anything wrong, Coconut.」 Coconut: 「O-Okay... I guess not, but...」 When we went up to the second floor later, Vanilla was long passed out in front of the TV... ....And when I took Vanilla to her bed to tuck her in, I found Chocola already passed out in it. We couldn't very well fit three catgirls into one bed, so... I'm letting Coconut stay in my room for now. Coconut: 「...But, um... It's just that...」 Coconut: 「We did all those lewd things and had sex together...」 Coconut: 「...And I'm still hogging you now...」 Coconut: 「...Even though Chocola and Vanilla were your catpanions before me...」 She mutters, playing with her hair nervously. Shigure said that catgirls don't get jealous... ...And Chocola was really enthusiastic about the whole thing earlier, but... ...I still get the sense that there might be some jealousy between them. Maybe this is just Coconut's way of showing her affection though. Kashou: 「Don't be silly. It doesn't matter who was with me first.」 Kashou: 「Chocola and Vanilla are already fast asleep, anyway.」 Kashou: 「You don't have to worry so much.」 Kashou: 「...Or do you not want to be near me?」 Coconut: 「N-No, not at all...!」 Coconut: 「...It's just that... I'm their older sister...」 Coconut: 「...And it's like I'm stealing you from them--」 Kashou: 「Coconut?」 I grab her by the shoulder and bring her close, interrupting her. I whisper softly into her ear... ...As I stroke her head. Kashou: 「Like I said, It doesn't matter who was with me first.」 Kashou: 「To me, Chocola, Vanilla, and you...」 Kashou: 「...Are all my beloved catpanions.」 Coconut: 「Onii-chan...」 Coconut: 「...Thank you. I'm so happy to hear that...」 Coconut: 「You've made me a very happy catgirl... The happiest catgirl in the world...」 She mutters, caressing my cheek... ...As if she's trying to keep that bliss from escaping. She presses her body against mine... ...And our lips meet. Coconut: 「...Is it really alright... if I'm your catpanion too, Onii-chan?」 Coconut: 「Shigure is my master, but...」 Coconut: 「...Can I think of you as my master as well... please?」 I place my hand against the anxious Coconut's cheek. This time, I respond by planting another kiss on Coconut's lips and patting her head. Kashou: 「...Isn't that a given?」 Kashou: 「If you weren't my catpanion, I wouldn't be holding you like this right now.」 Kashou: 「You don't even need to ask.」 Coconut: 「...Mhmm. Thank you.」 Coconut: 「You're so cool, Onii-chan... Eheheh...」 Coconut's smiling face moves closer to mine. I cradle her head, gently petting her. Coconut: 「...Are we...」 Coconut: 「...Going to sleep in each other's arms tonight, then?」 Coconut: 「When you hug me like this...」 Coconut: 「Even if I'm a big catgirl, I feel like a cute girl... I'm so glad...」 Kashou: 「Of course you are.」 I hug her again. Coconut: 「...I have one more request... Will you pet me until I fall asleep?」 Coconut: 「And, um... I want you to kiss me goodnight.」 Kashou: 「Sure, sure, whatever you want.」 Coconut: 「Eheheh, Thank you, Onii-chan.... I love you, kiss~ ♪」 I can feel Coconut's natural warmth across from me... ...As the moonlight gently illuminates the room. And as the two of us drift off... ...We savor the lingering moments of today.