Azuki: 「How pathetic... I'm so damn pathetic...」 Azuki: 「An older sister bein' taken care of by her younger sister... It's just pitiful...」 Azuki looks away from me, annoyed. We changed the sheets and mattress cover. In their place are clean, fluffy ones. Kashou: 「I mean, you can't exactly stand up now, right? What can we do?」 Azuki: 「It's not that...」 Azuki: 「Vanilla was all, 'You just had your first time, so I'll let you stay with my master tonight. Think of it as a gift from your younger sister. Grin~'」 Azuki: 「She's the one takin' care of me, while I'm just her naive, older sister...」 Chocola got out of the bath, completely clueless of what had just happened. Vanilla convinced her to leave Azuki and me alone. Azuki's been like this ever since coming to her senses. ...I definitely overdid it too, though, so it's not like I'm one to talk. I'll have to make sure to thank Vanilla and Chocola again. My catpanions understand me more than I realize. Kashou: 「Azuki, um...」 Kashou: 「...What we did earlier was really reckless, wasn't it. Are you okay?」 Azuki: 「...Geez, if you're gonna apologize, you should have done it in the first place.」 Azuki: 「I would've knocked your lights out if I hadn't wanted to do it with you, you know...」 Azuki: 「You wouldn't have had a chance to touch a single hair on my head...」 Azuki: 「I-I'm not some cheap Molly cat, you know... Geez...」 Where the hell did the honest Azuki from before go? I guess she's back to being normal, haughty Azuki again. Kashou: 「...Well, I guess this is just who you are.」 I pet Azuki as I smile wryly. Azuki: 「...D-Don't think I'm yours just because I've slept with you once now...」 Azuki: 「E-Especially not after doing it so roughly...!」 Azuki: 「...I-It was just a coincidence! Yeah, it all just kinda happened that way...!」 She pouts as her face flushes. She sounds a bit dejected... ...It makes me a little sad that she gets this catty afterward. Even though she was calling me 'Master' only a little while ago... Well, then... Kashou: 「My bad, I'm really sorry.」 Kashou: 「I'll never do that to you again, Azuki.」 Kashou: 「Can you forgive me?」 I ask her, dead serious. Azuki: 「Never again...?」 Azuki: 「...I didn't say you could never do it again.」 Azuki: 「If you're gonna be like that, then...」 Azuki: 「......」 I can tell by her serious tone that even she's not so sure about it herself. I'm not sure how to respond. I decide to wait for her to continue.. Azuki: 「...Sorry.」 Azuki: 「I didn't wanna tell you... not like that...」 Azuki: 「That I... love you and stuff...」 Azuki: 「Well, uh... I didn't mean to say somethin' as weird as that...」 Azuki: 「...Ngh...」 Azuki: 「Even I can't change who I am that quickly...」 Azuki: 「Please... At least understand that, you idiot...」 Tears well up in her eyes as she apologizes in her usual, insincere fashion. ...She can be annoying sometimes, but that's one of the things that makes her so cute. And the fact that she's a very caring person beneath it all makes her even more adorable. Her lack of confidence while putting on a strong face is cute, too. I gently stroke Azuki's hair... ...As a chuckle wells up inside me. Kashou: 「I understand. It's alright.」 Kashou: 「Because... I love you too, Azuki.」 Azuki: 「Kashou...」 Azuki: 「...Alright. As long as you understand.」 A blissful smile creeps across her face... ...And she nods slightly in response. Kashou: 「Now, then...」 Kashou: 「I get lonely sometimes, so I wouldn't mind if you came to sleep over every now and then.」 Kashou: 「Whenever you feel like it. Every once in a while, or whatever.」 As I give her this intentionally vague invitation... ...I gently rub her cheek. Azuki: 「...Yeah, I getcha.」 Azuki: 「If you get lonely sometimes, I guess I have no choice but to grace you with my presence.」 As she pushes her cheek into my palm... ...She lets out a faint laugh that I can barely hear, even at this close distance. This tiny catgirl before me is truly adorable. I embrace her delicate body. Kashou: 「Well, if we're going to be seeing more of each other every once in a while, I think you should sleep a little closer to me.」 Azuki: 「I guess so, considerin' everything that's happened.」 Azuki: 「Lettin' someone baby me every now and then ain't so bad, I guess.」 Kashou: 「...Good night, Azuki.」 Azuki: 「Yeah. Night, Kashou.」 In the moonlit room... ...I hug my childish, little catpanion tightly. Azuki stirs slightly. She brings her lips to my ear... Azuki: 「...Hey, Kashou...」 Kashou: 「What's up?」 Azuki: 「...It's all 'cause I love you, you know?」 Kashou: 「Yeah, I feel the same.」 Azuki: 「...Mm. Thanks for listenin' to such a spoiled brat.」 Her gentle purring resounds throughout the room... ...As she presses her forehead up against my body.