
391 lines
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Chocola: 「Thank you very much~ ♪ We look forward to seeing you again soon!」
Chocola: 「Welcome! The menu is right over there and specials are listed on this sign here! ♪」
Vanilla: 「Thank you for waiting. Here is your seasonal mille-feuille and chocolate montblanc.」
Chocola: 「Ah, if you'll be dining in, please come right this way~ ♪ Here is the menu!」
Vanilla: 「Here is your receipt. Will you be needing some dry ice to keep it cool while you carry it home?」
Kashou: 「... All right. Maybe I'll take this moment to bake some more sponge cake for the shortcakes.」
I looked through the window onto the bakery floor and saw that the customer traffic had calmed down a bit.
Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was almost 3 PM.
... It seemed that selling out and closing early on opening day actually got us noticed.
Thanks to some tweets and blog posts, word of mouth had spread and we were really busy the next day.
You could argue that it was just a big coincidence, but this was definitely all because of Shigure.
Chocola: 「Master! We're almost out of fruit shortcakes! Ah, cream puffs too!」
Kashou: 「Got it. I'll start making more now, then.」
Vanilla: 「Master, we've received an order for a birthday cake. I'll leave the form over here.」
Kashou: 「All right. I'll check it later.」
Kashou: 「To think Chocola and Vanilla are actually able to help out this much...」
I watched as the two of them quickly and energetically engaged the customers.
Chocola was as enthusiastic as always while Vanilla showed her attention to detail.
They greatly contributed to the rising fame of the bakery as La Soleil's poster catgirls.
I really didn't expect much when I sought their assistance, but they've been a big help.
Kashou: 「... Well, it's about time for a break, huh.」
Kashou: 「This one is almost done anyways.」
I lightly stretched my neck side to side as I took the ingredients for the next batch and put them in the refrigerator.
Kashou: 「Good work, you two.」
Chocola&Vanilla: 「Ohhh---!! T-This is...!!」
Chocola: 「M-Master...! I-Is this cheesecake?!」
Vanilla: 「Not only that, it's the rare kind too! It's rare cheesecake, Chocola...! The surface is all glossy...!」
Kashou: 「This is because you two have been working so hard. As requested, here is your reward.」
Chocola: 「Master...! You made this rare cheesecake for us?」
Vanilla: 「You are so kind, Master...! This is the kind of joy you get from working hard...!」
The eyes of the two catgirls were sparkling as they looked at the rare cheesecake with delight.
It was worth it to see them this happy.
I sat down into a chair and poured hot water into the teapot.
Chocola: 「Vanilla! Chocola was thinking we should share some of this happiness with Shigure-chan!」
Vanilla: 「But neither of us have a cell phone. How regretful...」
Chocola: 「Chocola sees. We can't take a picture of it with a phone then, huh...」
Vanilla: 「Catgirls without cameras are helpless...」
Chocola: 「Chocola knows! If we don't have a camera, then let's draw something! We'll put our emotions into a picture!」
Vanilla: 「Now, Master, I would like you to draw Chocola and me. Be quick now. Glimmer~」
Kashou: 「Just hurry up and eat it. Break time is almost over.」
I calmly urged them as I poured three cups of tea.
As always, these two catgirls had limitless energy, but I seriously wondered if they were trying to act as silly as they were being.
Chocola: 「In that case, let's try some! Bite, munch munch munch...」
Chocola: 「It's soooooooo tastyyyyyyy~!! I love how soft and rich it is~!!」
Chocola: 「I can-- I can feel Master's love in this...!」
Chocola: 「Chocola is the happiest catgirl in the world right noooooow...!!」
Vanilla: 「Fuwah~ ♪ This exquisite amount of sweetness and slight burst of lemon... It's delicious~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「The cookie crust at the bottom is also... mmph~ ♪ The slight bitterness makes it so... eheheh~ ♪」
Kashou: 「I'm glad you two like it.」
Kashou: 「I made some sauces for it, too.」
Kashou: 「It'd help if you two could give me some feedback on them.」
Chocola: 「Fuwahh...! Meow! Isn't that Chocola's favorite chocolate sauce~?!」
Vanilla: 「This is my favorite berry sauce. It even has matcha powder...?!」
Chocola: 「Is it all right for everything to be this perfect?!」
Chocola: 「Are we allowed to be this happy?!」
Vanilla: 「Ahhh, delicious...! Both of them enhance the natural flavor of the unbaked cream cheese and double the deliciousness...!」
Chocola: 「So good~! It really is delicious, Master~ ♪ It tastes just like a professional's!」
Vanilla: 「It really does tastes like a professional's work. Master is super cool.」
Kashou: 「Well, I am a beginner, but I can at least do this.」
They've probably been waiting for an opportunity to praise me, so I suppose it's a good thing.
After hearing their request, I actually secretly did some research on making rare cheesecakes, but I'll leave that as a secret.
Chocola: 「Master's reward makes Chocola so happy, meow~ ♪」
Chocola: 「On top of being praised, Chocola gets to eat something delicious too. Chocola's so happy, meow~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「We're working really hard out there, after all!」
Vanilla: 「It would have been hard if Master was all alone, right? Mhmm!」
Kashou: 「You're right. You two really were a big help. There, there.」
I patted both the genuinely happy Chocola and the proud Vanilla on the head.
Chocola: 「Chocola will work even harder for Master's sake!」
Chocola: 「Chocola's gonna work really really hard! Right, Vanilla?」
Vanilla: 「I'll work so that my food expenses are covered. Just enough that you can't call me a freeloader.」
Chocola: 「Geez, you aren't being honest. You like working here too, right, Vanilla?」
Vanilla: 「It's because it's fun to work with Chocola. That is all. That really is all there is to it.」
Chocola: 「Ahaha! Vanilla's face is getting red!」
Chocola: 「Girls like that get their cheeks poked. Poke poke~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「I'm not turning red-- mm, mmph...!」
Vanilla: 「Hey, cut it out. Even Master says not to do stuff like this while eatin-- mm, mmph, mmm...!」
My poster catgirls were such adorable little things.
I watched them go at it as I poured another cup of tea.
I can understand why catgirls make great mascots though.
It was heartwarming and sweet to see them act like such happy sisters.
Kashou: 「Since you two are helping me this much, you're going to have to really study hard, right?」
Chocola: 「Study? For what? How to make cakes?」
Vanilla: 「Ah, management? You've already decided to retire from your executive position, Master?」
Kashou: 「No. You think I'm going to retire a few days after opening?」
Kashou: 「Studying for your qualifications. You two remember what Shigure said, right?」
Upon hearing my words, their blank expressions changed as their eyes began to shine.
Chocola&Vanilla: 「Qualifications, as in a Bell?」
Kashou: 「Yep. You two are working really hard as poster catgirls, after all.」
Chocola: 「Master, does that mean...!」
Chocola and Vanilla turned to each other with looks of amazement.
Suddenly, they both stood up and bent forward across the table.
Chocola: 「Does that mean that Chocola and Vanilla have been helpful?」
Vanilla: 「Does that mean that we've been doing a good job?」
Kashou: 「Of course. That's what I said, right?」
Kashou: 「If you two weren't around, I don't think I'd be able to keep the bakery going.」
Just like before, I tapped their heads in thanks again.
Chocola: 「Will Master be happy if Chocola gets a Bell?」
Kashou: 「Ahh, of course.」
Vanilla: 「Master would be proud to have his two poster catgirls earn their Bells.」
Kashou: 「Yeah, I'm proud of you two. But...」
Kashou: 「As your owner, I want to have proof that I raised you two well too.」
Kashou: 「That's why you two should work for your own sake as well. I'll also do my best alongside you two.」
I ruffled their hair.
They closed their eyes and smiled even more brightly than before.
Chocola: 「Okay! Chocola will work hard. Chocola will do her absolute best~!」
Chocola: 「Chocola will work so hard that Master will always need Chocola~!」
Vanilla: 「If we receive our Bells, will you take us out to play, too?」
Vanilla: 「There are a lot of places I want to go to, okay?」
Kashou: 「Ahh, sure. Whether it's an amusement park or the aquarium, I'll take you two there.」
Chocola: 「Yay~ ♪ Going to the amusement park with Master would make Chocola so happy~!」
Chocola: 「Chocola wants to go to the Little Mouse Kingdom!」
Vanilla: 「I want to see an aurora. Or a crater on the Moon. Or both. Both is good.」
Kashou: 「Uh, within reason, okay? Are you two listening?」
The two catgirls were lost in their own fantasy worlds while their eyes gleamed.
I never thought that they'd start dreaming of going overseas or even space...
A catgirl's dreams obviously weren't something to make light of. They were... incredible.
Chocola: 「On the other hand, if it's anywhere we want, then Master's bed is good too! Muhaa~!」
Vanilla: 「The first catgirl in history to go into outer space...!」
Vanilla: 「Better yet, perhaps we could go as far as Mars...!」
Kashou: 「Hey! Break's over, you two. Go get to it!」
It was a bit of a struggle to bring Chocola and Vanilla back to reality after they had travelled so far mentally.
--- A few days later on a day off
Shigure: 「This is the first step towards getting your own Bell!」
Shigure: 「Are you ready? Chocola, Vanilla!」
Chocola: 「Yes, ma'am! All preparations are go, Professor Shigure-chan!」
Vanilla: 「Yes, ma'am. All preparations are go!」
Shigure: 「Listen carefully, okay? In order to receive a Bell, you must meet the requirement: "for a single catgirl to fit into human society."」
Shigure: 「The entire test will focus on this one principle! Okay, now repeat!」
Chocola&Vanilla: 「"The entire test will focus on this one principle!"」
Shigure: 「Wrong! You were supposed to repeat the other bit! If this were the exam, you'd already be failing it!!」
Kashou: 「I guess you could have misunderstood it like that though.」
I sipped some tea in the living room while I watched what the catgirls and Shigure were doing.
On that note, I hadn't realized that Shigure's motherly mode was so intense...
Kashou: 「I've been with her since she was born, but this is the first time I've seen her like this, including that headband of hers.」
Azuki: 「It's because you asked her to "teach them how to prepare for the qualification exam," after all.」
Azuki: 「Shigure's intensity has totally been through the roof these past few days. It's been a total pain. Sigh~」
Coconut: 「It seems like she's happy that you asked her for help, Kashou-sama.」
Coconut: 「She got so impatient waiting for a day when the bakery was closed, she started teaching us instead.」
Azuki and Coconut, who had came with Shigure, nodded their heads as they drank their tea.
Looks like Shigure's been bothering those two without me knowing, huh?
I'll give them some cakes to take home later. Yep, that should be okay.
Shigure: 「Listen carefully, you two! This is regarding the "Independent Action Permit," okay?」
Shigure: 「Are you able to understand human society's common sense and rules without giving in to a catgirl's habits and instincts, and use reasoning to guide your actions?」
Shigure: 「A catgirl that can surpass this has what it takes to be a real catgirl.」
Chocola: 「N-No way...?! Chocola isn't a real catgirl?! What should Chocola do?!」
Vanilla: 「Well, catgirls are catgirls. There's no reason to get flustered. Calm down.」
Shigure: 「Vanilla, you shouldn't say that so nonchalantly!」
Shigure: 「It's important to be independent so you can become a mature, grown-up catgirl as soon as possible.」
Shigure: 「Chocola, Vanilla. You two both want to become Nii-sama's partners as soon as possible, right?」
Chocola: 「Ma'am! Chocola wants to be Master's partner, ma'am!」
Vanilla: 「Well, so long as I'm Chocola's partner. After that, I don't care too much as long as I don't get fired.」
Azuki: 「Vanilla really lacks ambition, huh? She just takes it easy with all those deadpan jokes of hers. Munch, crunch, crunch.」
Coconut: 「She works hard when it's needed. She just doesn't show her effort, munch, crunch, crunch.」
Kashou: 「You two take it pretty easy too, though.」
I joked back at them as I prepared some more snacks.
That's just how catgirls were, though.
Shigure: 「There's a human saying: "The proof is in the pudding." Basically, "you learn more from experience than from explanations."」
Shigure: 「Let's consider Azuki as an example.」
Shigure: 「Azuki, as the oldest catgirl, show your younger sisters how a catgirl with a Bell should act.」
Azuki: 「Huh? Why? What a pain. I'd better get something out of this.」
Chocola: 「We're counting on you, Azuki-chan!」
Vanilla: 「Please, Azuki.」
Shigure: 「Now then, observe the strong will of a Bell-holding catgirl. Nii-sama, watch carefully.」
With pride, Shigure reached into her kimono, rummaged around, and pulled something out.
Shigure: 「Here I have a sparkling piece of fatty tuna that any catgirl would clamor for.」
Kashou: 「Eh? Where did you pull that plate of fatty tuna from?」
Shigure: 「Heheh, I prepared it just for today. In a sense, you could call it my love for you, Nii-sama.」
Kashou: 「Uh, no, I'm not asking why you did it. I'm asking about where you got it from.」
Shigure: 「Let's just ignore the small details for now.」
I was completely shot down.
I felt like this was more than enough slapstick for now, though. Yep.
Shigure: 「When confronted with their favorite food, a normal catgirl would give in to instinct and leap right for it.」
Shigure: 「However, when I hang this in front of Azuki's eyes...」
Azuki: 「Meooooow!!」
Shigure: 「Haawah?!」
Azuki: 「Munch, munch, munch, munch.」
Shigure: 「......」
Azuki: 「Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch.」
Shigure: 「......」
Shigure: 「... Uhm, Azu--」
Azuki: 「Meow, meow, meow, meow~!!」
Shigure: 「Ah, wait...! Azuki...!!」
Shigure: 「......」
Chocola&Vanilla: 「......」
Kashou: 「......」
Shigure: 「... Ahem. That right there was a bad example. Azuki will be punished after this.」
Kashou: 「Ah, so there are punishments, then.」
Shigure: 「Coconut! Show us your resistance to feather lures!」
Shigure: 「Are you ready, Coconut?」
Coconut: 「Leave it to me, Shigure-sama.」
Shigure: 「Here it comes! Nii-sama, are you watching carefully? I'll show you something different this time.」
Kashou: 「This'll be more useful for Chocola and Vanilla than me.」
Shigure: 「I'm counting on you, Coconut!」
She's not listening at all.
Well, so long as Chocola and Vanilla are watching, it should be okay.
Shigure: 「Okay.」
Shigure: 「Ready...?」
Coconut: 「......」
Chocola: 「Ohhh...! So amazing! As expected of Coco-chan. That lack of reaction is impressive!」
Vanilla: 「She's not reacting to it at all. Quite an impressive display.」
Coconut: 「Teehee~ Something like this isn't even special enough to warrant praise!」
Coconut: 「Something of this level is to be expected from one of Shigure's catgirls! I could keep this up this for hours...」
Coconut: 「...... Hm?」
Fly: 「Bzzzzz~」
Coconut: 「......」
Chocola: 「... Hm? What's wrong, Coco-chan?」
Fly: 「Bzzzzzzzzz~」
Coconut: 「......」
Chocola: 「...??」
Fly: 「Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz~」
Coconut: 「............」
Chocola: 「???」
Shocola&Coconut: 「Ouch?!」\n「Meow!!」
Chocola: 「Uwaaahn! Coco-chan cat-punched Chocola~! Myaaahn, that's mean~!」
Coconut: 「S-Sorry, Chocola! I just...!」
Vanilla: 「That was pretty intense. I guess you could say that it can't be helped since you're a catgirl. There, there.」
Kashou: 「... Are you all right? The catgirls at home are like that...?」
Shigure: 「For what it's worth, both Azuki and Coconut passed with perfect marks for the most part, but... huh~?」
Those two couldn't act independently at all.
Shigure: 「Nii-sama, rest assured, this time there will be no problems.」
Shigure: 「I can guarantee that.」
Maple: 「All right. It's a bit of a hassle, but I'm here...」
Cinnamon: 「Hello, Kashou-san~ While I may not be the greatest, I am at your absolute disposal~」
Kashou: 「Sorry to make you come all the way out here, Maple, Cinnamon.」
Maple: 「Honestly! I came all the way out here, so be a bit more thankful!」
Cinnamon: 「This is for the sake of our cute little sisters, so please don't worry about it~ ♪」
Shigure: 「I will have you two watch as Maple and Cinnamon take the written exam.」
Kashou: 「Written exam? So does that mean we're done with actual training for today?」
Chocola: 「We'll do our best with our studies, ma'am! Everyone, please teach us well!」
Vanilla: 「Roger, roger. Treat us well.」
... There was no point in even making a joke here. Yeah, I got that.
Well, considering what happened earlier, things should be all right from here on out... probably.
Shigure: 「We'll leave it in the younger catgirls capable paws.」
Shigure: 「Now then, why don't we go have tea together, just the two of us, Nii-sama?」
Kashou: 「Huh? Is this what studying for a written exam is supposed to be like?」
Shigure: 「Considering how many teachers are already here for them, we should leave. You know, too many cooks and all that.」
Shigure: 「Ah, speaking of which, I brought along some bite-sized ohagi I made. I'd be ever so delighted if you tried some, Nii-sama.」
Shigure: 「I have some wonderful tea leaves to go with them, as well.」
Shigure: 「I'll be borrowing the kitchen~ How exciting!」
Kashou: 「... Well, even if she's like this, she did help the four of them pass that exam.」
In any case, I said nothing and continued to watch them.
Maple: 「A Russian character forms the mouth. It's pretty useful if you can remember that.」
Chocola: 「Wow~! Maple-chan, that's amazing!! There's no emoticon you can't make!」
Chocola: 「A master! You're an emoticon master! So cool~!」
Maple: 「Heehee, Chocola really is getting in this...」
Maple: 「Do emoticons really warrant that much of a fuss? I'll show you LIME stamps next.」
Chocola: 「Whaa~! Cute...!! That's super cute~! What is this?! What is this exactly?!」
Cinnamon: 「Vanilla-chan, are you ready for this~?」
Cinnamon: 「You know about flowers, right~? They have something called a stamen and pistil, okay~?」
Cinnamon: 「A-And you know? T-The stamen and pistil, right?」
Cinnamon: 「Uhm, so when they embrace... it gets all sticky... it gets sticky, and then a baby... you know...? Haah... ♪」
Vanilla: 「Cinnamon, stop getting hot and bothered and do some actual teaching!」
Cinnamon: 「I-I'm not getting a-aroused, meow...! I-I'm a big sister with a Bell, after all...!」
Cinnamon: 「No way! How do I not have any science textbooks... I-I don't have any health textbooks, either...!」
Vanilla: 「Onee-chan, this is disappointing.」
Cinnamon: 「Myaaah...! Don't look at me that way...! Myaaaahn.. .♪」
Kashou: 「... Just what are they up to now?」
Shigure: 「It's important to be educated in common knowledge and achieve at least an elementary school reading level.」
Shigure: 「Lately, there have been crimes committed by catgirls, as well. It's necessary to be well-versed in the general education of human society.」
Kashou: 「To me, it looks like they're only playing with a phone app and reading strange books, though...」
Shigure: 「Oh, Nii-sama! This kinako powder one is really yummy. Say ah~」
I continued to watch the study session as I took the ohagi Shigure handed me.
They absolutely weren't studying. I really did not think this was studying in the slightest.
At the very least, it seemed fundamentally different from the sort of studying I knew.
I started to wonder if leaving this up to her really was a good idea.
Shigure: 「Now then, Nii-sama, please have a look here. Isn't this stamp cute?」
Shigure: 「I decided to give it a try and made some. I think these could become rather popular, right?」
Kashou: 「Huh...? Chocola and Vanilla? And... our bakery uniforms...?」
On the screen were super-deformed images of Chocola and Vanilla.
There were some of them holding signs or sleeping, but all of them did seem quite cute.
I don't really know much about LIME, though.
But it definitely was true that, as mascot characters, they could sell.
Kashou: 「... You've always had many strange talents, haven't you?」
Shigure: 「I thought that this would be a way to help Nii-sama's bakery continue to grow from the sidelines.」
Shigure: 「Nii-sama, you have a gift for making sweets, but you have no idea how to promote yourself.」
Shigure had always been really knowledgeable about the internet...
It was true. I did find our sudden increase in customers on our second day mysterious.
Now it made sense to me why a lot of customers said they heard about us "on the internet" or "on Dwitter".
Shigure: 「This is also part of your little sister's love for you. Would you please praise me?」
Kashou: 「Yeah, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. Pat pat!」
Shigure: 「Eheheh~ I love it when Nii-sama rubs my head. Eheheh~ ♪」
With a pampered voice, Shigure closed her eyes and smiled happily.
It really was a big help to have a little sister who was quick on the uptake.
To show my gratitude to this small, central figure, I rubbed her head.
Maple: 「Well, when there is trouble, it seems okay in general to dial 1-1-0 on the phone.」
Maple: 「Also, if you're hurt, then dial 1-1-9. You'll be good if you can remember all that.」
Chocola: 「Maple-chan, the smart phone says that it will rain tomorrow! It's going to be drizzly!」
Cinnamon: 「Y-You know about i-insects, right? Well, they carry s-sperm... semen...!」
Cinnamon: 「Ah, no! They carry p-pollen...! It's pollen, okay? Haaah... ♪」
Cinnamon: 「And then the pistil, right? They take that and put it inside and it gets pregnant and haaahh~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「So they have sex with the insect instead? Substitute sex?」
Cinnamon: 「Myaaaahn... ♪ D-Don't say embarrassing things like "sex"... ♪」
Cinnamon: 「Girls... h-have to have some shame, you know...?!」
Cinnamon: 「To think Vanilla would say something so dirty like that... Cinnamon is gonna drooooool~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「Cinnamon, you shouldn't drool. Wipe, wipe.」
Kashou: 「... So, I have to ask this, but...」
Kashou: 「... Is having a Bell really a good enough qualification for catgirls to go out by themselves?」
Shigure: 「All the catgirls in our family are all excellent.」
Shigure: 「I will be doing their reviews, so worry not, Nii-sama.」
Shigure: 「Since I figured something of this sort might happen, I also have the cheat sheets of the Bell manual.」
Shigure: 「As Chocola and Vanilla's owner, please read this and do your best, Nii-sama.」
Kashou: 「As their owner, I'll do my best.」
So she was expecting this.
Even I was suckered in to thinking she was just playing around.
I went back to watching the catgirls' dead-end study session.
Kashou: 「All right! All that's left is the filling for the apple pie.」
I murmured that as I ran my finger down the prep sheet to confirm.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was past 9 o'clock.
Although studying for the Bell exam took up my time, I still had enough energy to do preparations on a day off.
Chocola: 「Master~ Master~! Look! Please look at this~!」
Vanilla: 「We've finally transcended the limits of catgirls. Perfection.」
Kashou: 「You sure got there quickly.」
Chocola: 「That is because we adore you profoundly, Master! Ehen~」
Kashou: 「You don't need to mimic Shigure.」
Shigure and the others were gone, but it hadn't been more than two hours since they'd started their independent study.
I suppose they were now able to do multiplication or something.
Vanilla: 「Hmph. Judging by Master's face, he just thought we've only gotten as far as learning division.」
Close. I didn't go that far ahead.
I stayed silent so as to not dampen their spirit.
Chocola: 「Hehehee~ Master! Please rub my neck!」
Chocola: 「Chocola will use her poker face and hide her purring!」
Kashou: 「Like this? Rub rub rub...」
Chocola: 「Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~ ♪」
Kashou: 「Well, that didn't work.」
Chocola: 「Meoww! Chocola can't help it! Chocola just loves her Master so much!」
Chocola: 「Please don't think Chocola is some cheap catgirl who just purrs over any old thing!!」
Vanilla: 「I'm gonna rub your neck, Chocola~」
Chocola: 「Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~ ♪」
Kashou: 「That didn't work at all.」
She did that, even with Vanilla.
What exactly was she trying to show off to me?
Chocola: 「W-Well, why don't you try, Vanilla? Can you do it?!」
Vanilla: 「Of course I can. I won't blink even if you clap in front of my face.」
Vanilla: 「Come on, Master! Why don't you give it your best shot?」
Kashou: 「Okay, how about like this, then. Rub rub rub...」
Vanilla: 「Mm... haa, mmph...♪ M-Mmph, mmm~...♪」
Kashou: 「...... Rub rub rub rub rub rub...」
Chocola: 「Look, Master! Vanilla's tail! Her tail is sticking straight up!!」
Chocola: 「It's stiff enough to pierce the heavens! Vanilla must be feeling really good!!」
Vanilla: 「N-No...! This isn't, uhm...!」
Vanilla: 「Yeah, th-this is just how I show my love for Chocola when she's near me...!」
Kashou: 「You'll probably be near her during the test too, you know.」
I couldn't shake the fact that this was an excuse out of her.
Given Vanilla's quietness, she was honestly trying not to lose to Chocola.
Chocola: 「This was just a minor setback!」
Chocola: 「Please test us in other ways! We'll definitely be fine!」
Vanilla: 「Yes, we'll definitely pass all of the rest of them, so don't worry.」
Vanilla: 「You can test us on every one of these catgirl killer tests.」
Kashou: 「Hmmm, from this list, huh...」
I scanned over the questions from previous tests in the cheat sheets.
There really were a lot of questions about various catgirl behaviors.
Kashou: 「Okay, why don't we go in order from the top, then.」
Chocola: 「Please leave it to us! We're Master's catgirls, after all!」
Vanilla: 「Don't worry.」
Kashou: 「Okay then.」
Chocola&Vanilla: 「Sniff sniff, sniff sniff.」
Kashou: 「Resisting sniffing test, failed.」
Kashou: 「By the way, what these fingers touched earlier was blue cheese.」
Chocola&Vanilla: 「Unyaaaaahhh...!!」
Kashou: 「Okay, you failed the Flehmen response test, as well.」
Kashou: 「Okay, next.」
Chocola&Vanilla: 「Guhhmeooow?!」\n「Meooow?!」
Chocola: 「Ahh... A-Ahhh... M-Master... Auuuuuh~」
Vanilla: 「Hiss! Just what are you doing?! Hiss!」
Kashou: 「Clapping-in-the-face test, also failed.」
Chocola: 「Meow meow! Meow, meow meow meow!!」
Vanilla: 「Meow meow! Meow, meow meow meow!!」
Chocola: 「Guhmeow meow meow meow! Meow meow! Meow meow meow!!」
Vanilla: 「Guhmeow meow meow meow! Meow meow! Meow meow meow!!」
Kashou: 「Feather lure test, failed!」
Chocola: 「Weheheheh~ ♪ Th-This is nothing, this is nothing~ ♪」
Chocola: 「Catnip is da best...! It really is da bomb~ Purrrrrrrrrrr~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「It feels like my brain is melting... It can't be beat, it really can't... ♪」
Vanilla: 「More! I need more of this~! Myaheheh, meohohoh~ ♪」
Kashou: 「Catnip test, also failed.」
Chocola: 「Myahahaha~ ♪ Vanilla, we failed~ Myahahaha~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「It doesn't even matter anymore~ I'm taking this catnip and going to sleep~ Zzz...」
Their first time on catnip and they're basically little drunks.
... Will they really be fine after all this?
Well, it's the first day, anyways. I'll just leave it at that. Yeah.
Kashou: 「Come on, if you're gonna sleep, do it in your own bed...」
Chocola: 「Myaahn~ ♪ "Bed?" Master, you pervert~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「Just what are you planning to do to us while we're intoxicated like this~」
Kashou: 「You two really are a pain.」
Kashou: 「Come on, let's go. I've got a grip on you, so stand up.」
Chocola: 「Myaahn~ ♪ Master, I want you to carry me~ ♪」
Vanilla: 「I-I can't feel any love in the way you're holding me~」
This is not good at all. I can't help but feel this is bad.
I thought about that as I carried the two drunken catgirls to their bed.
After that, I threw myself completely into reading those cheat sheets.