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Hi! I am the Nameless MultiplayerPiano Bot aka NMPB.
Author: ste-art. Email: steart.ru@gmail.com
Site: http://nmpb-blog.blogspot.ru/
Issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/steart/nmpb/issues
play p load l
Command: /play - continues playing.
Command: /play [id] - loads file by id and starts playing.
Command: /play [string] - loads a random file containing "string" in its name.
In turns mode works as /auto when it's not your turn.
Aliases: /play /p /load /l
Stops playing. /play continues playing from the current position.
restart rr
Plays track from the beginning.
Aliases: /restart /rr
set pos
Command /pos [index] sets track position. Index is value between 0 and 100.
Command /pos (without arguments) shows current track position.
Aliases /set /pos
Command /list [index] lists 5 files starting with index.
search find s f
Usage: /search [name] [page (optional)]
Searches files by name and lists 5 results per page.
Aliases: /search /find /s /f
upload u download d
Usage: /upload [URL] [name (optional)]
Downloads the file by URL. Only midi files and direct links allowed.
[name] allows you name the file (only if there is no downloaded copy of it).
Aliases: /upload /u /download /d
Usage: /mistakes [Period] [Maximum Delay].
Enables or disables mistakes. Avaliable only when turns are disabled. Arguments are optional.
Period sets average mistakes period. Default: 20. This means a mistake will occur approximately every 20 notes. Value 0 disables note mistakes.
Maximum delay adds random delays. Default: 30 (ms). Value 0 disables time delays.
title song name playing
Shows information about the current playing track.
Aliases: /title /song /name /playing
random r
Loads a random track.
Command /random [string] loads a random file containing "string" in its name. If there is no such file, loads random track.
Aliases: /random /r
turn t
Shows whose turn it is.
Aliases: /turn /t
Marks you as "away from keyboard". AFK users will automatically skip their turns.
auto a
Usage /auto [id] or /auto [name]
Automatically loads the selected track on your turn.
Command /auto (without arguments) shows last selected track.
Command /auto -1 deselects track.
Aliases: /auto /a
voteskip vs
Available only in turns mode after three minutes of song. Song will be skipped only if more than 2/3 (66%) of the room voted for it.
Aliases: /voteskip /vs
Command /skipme allows you to skip your turns until you type /auto or /skipme again.
Command /color shows your color.
Command /color [username] shows a user's color.
Command /color [hexadecimal color (#rrggbb)] shows closest color name. (ex. /color #800080)
Toggles auto-sustain mode. When auto-sustain mode is enabled, the bot only starts notes. When it's disabled the bot starts and stops notes.
mysustain mysus
Toggles personal auto-sustain mode. Personal auto-sustain automatically changes bot's auto-sustain mod on your turn.
To disable autochange, write /mysustain disable (or /mysus off, or /mysus 0).
Aliases /musystain /mysus
Shows bot's version, uptime, and turns, sustain and preserveQuota mode states.
queue q
Shows users in queue.
Aliases: /queue /q
tempo speed
Sets current track's tempo. Minimum: 20%, maximum: 500%.
Aliases: /tempo /speed
help h
Use /help [command] for command info.
Text Commands: /help (/h) /list /search (/s) /title /color /info /about
Upload a MIDI: /upload (/u)
Sequencer Commands: /auto (/a) /play (/p) /stop /random (/r) /restart (/rr) /set (/pos) /sustain /playnext (/pn) /playprev (/pp)
Turns Commands: /turn (/t) /voteskip (/vs) /afk /skipme /mysustain (/mysus) /queue (/q)
No Turns Only Commands: /backwards (/b) /mistakes /tempo (/speed) /inverse (/mirror) /octave (/oct) /echo /transpose (/tp)
Command /gsun [index] gets shortest unique name for indexed track.
backwards b
Command /backwards plays backwards current track.
Command /backwards [index or name] plays backwards selected track.
Aliases: /backwards /b
inverse mirror
Toggles inversion.
Inversion mirrors keyboard from left to right. High notes became low and vice versa.
Aliases: /inverse /mirror
Echo mode. An echo will be added to all notes.
Use /echo to toggle echo mode.
Use /echonumber (/echon) to set the number of echos.
Use /echodelay (/echod) to set the echo delay.
Use /echofade (/echof) to set echo fade effect.
Use /echoinfo (/echoi) to get echo mode state.
echonumber echon
Echo mode. The number of echo repeats. The range is 1 to 4.
Aliases /echonumber /echon
echodelay echod
Echo mode. Echo delay in milliseconds. The range is 1 to 200.
Aliases /echodelay /echod
echofade echof
Echo mode. The fade reduces volume of each next echo. The range is 0% to 20%.
Aliases /echofade /echof
echoinfo echoi
Outputs echo mode state.
Aliases /echoinfo /echoi
octave oct
Octave mode. This mode adds a note one octave higher or lower.
Use /octave (/oct) to toggle octave mode.
Use /octave (/oct) [number] to set the number of additional octaves.
Use /octavejump (/octj) to toggle octave interval (1 <=> 2).
Use /octaveinfo (/octi) to get octave mode state.
octaveinfo octi
Outputs octave mode state.
Aliases /octaveinfo /octi
octavejump octj
Octave mode. Toggles octaves interval between 1 and 2.
Aliases /octavejump /octj
transpose tp
Transpose. All the notes will be transposed to the value. The range is -12 to 12.
Aliases: /transpose /tp
playnext pn
Play next track (Index + 1).
Aliases: /playnext /pn
playprev pp
Play previous track (Index - 1).
Aliases: /playprev /pp