import {unescape} from 'html-escaper'; import { getPostDataById } from "./pixiv.js"; export async function fetch(url, options, nothrow) { for (var a = 0, ma = 10, error; a < ma; a++) { console.log(options.method || "GET", url); try { var res = await global.fetch(url, options); error = null; break; } catch (e) { console.error("fetch error", e); error = e; } } if (error) throw error; if (!res.ok && !nothrow) throw new Error(`HTTP ${res.status} ${await res.text()}`); return res; } export async function sleep(seconds) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, seconds * 1000)); } export async function pixivToPleroma(bot, pixiv_id, edit) { let url = `${pixiv_id}`; try { let {images, illust} = await getPostDataById(pixiv_id); let date = new Date(illust.createDate); let dateString = date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", {timeZone: "JST", month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric"}); let timeString = date.toLocaleTimeString("en-US", {timeZone: "JST", hour12: true, hour: "numeric", "minute": "numeric"}); let tags = => `#${tag.tag}`).join(" "); if (illust.aiType == 2) tags = `#AIgenerated ${tags}`; let status = `${illust.title} / ${illust.userName} / ${dateString} ${timeString}
${url}${illust.userId}`; if (images.length > 4) { status += `
⚠ There are ${images.length} images.`; } if (illust.illustType == 2) { status += `
⚠ This is ugoria, you have to view on Pixiv.`; } await{ status, content_type: "text/html", files: images, sensitive: Boolean(illust.xRestrict), visibility: "public", edit }); return true; } catch(error) { console.error(error.stack); await{ status: `${url}\n#error\n${error.stack}`, visibility: "public", edit }); } }