module.exports = { // options for the https server https_options: { key: require("fs").readFileSync("/etc/letsencrypt/live/", "utf8"), cert: require("fs").readFileSync("/etc/letsencrypt/live/", "utf8"), }, // for verifying GitHub webhook when a new Terrium release is updated github_webhook_token:"ebniuwrghwaoeivfhw4th2cpqx389hgq;o3rgjesro-gw45oghwxorsgih", // personal access token of api-terrium-net user for downloading game releases from private repo github_pat: "c8b570eacf0ddfe504b28b3fdc2040aab1d40042", // root url of download location of game releases for generating URLs to distribute download_root_url: "", // discord webhook for announcing game release in discord discord_webhook: "", // for updating the download links on the website website_game_release_webhook: { url: "", auth: "iuefnvbiwbvipertbgepio2384htx24hgp924j" } }