extends base block content link(rel="stylesheet" href="home.css") h1 List of people who love Hatsune Miku table colgroup col col col col col thead th date th name th email th website th message tbody if enableForm form(action="submit" method="POST") tr td(class="td-date")=new Date() td input(name="username" placeholder="your name" maxlength=32 required) td input(name="email" type="email" placeholder="you@email.host" maxlength=39) td input(name="website" type="url" placeholder="http://your.website" maxlength=69) td div(style="display: flex;") input(name="message" placeholder="your message" maxlength=169 style="flex-grow: 1;") input(type="submit") for entry in tabledata tr td(class="td-date")=entry.date td=entry.username td a(href="mailto:"+entry.email)=entry.email td a(href entry.website target="_blank")=entry.website td=entry.message script. let dateElements = document.getElementsByClassName("td-date"); for (let element of dateElements) { let date = new Date(element.innerText); element.innerText = date.toLocaleString(); }