import {Crypto, dayjs, jinja2, _} from "./lib/cat.js"; let key = "kkys" , url = "" , device = {} , siteKey = "" , siteType = 0; async function request(reqUrl, postData, agentSp, get) { let ts = dayjs().valueOf().toString(); let rand = randStr(32); let sign = Crypto.enc.Hex.stringify(Crypto.MD5('H58d2%gLbeingX*%D4Y8!C!!@G_' + ts + '_' + rand)) .toString() .toLowerCase(); let headers = { 'user-agent': agentSp ||, }; if (reqUrl.includes('baibaipei')) { headers['device-id'] =; headers['push-token'] = ''; headers['sign'] = sign; headers['time'] = ts; headers['md5'] = rand; headers['version'] = '2.1.5'; headers['system-model'] = device.model; headers['system-brand'] = device.brand; headers['system-version'] = device.release; } if (!get) { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } let res = await req(reqUrl, { method: get ? 'get' : 'post', headers: headers, data: postData || {}, }); let content =; // console.log(content); if (typeof content === 'string') { var key = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse('IjhHsCB2B5^#%0Ag'); var iv = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse('y8_m.3rauW/>j,}.'); var src = Crypto.enc.Base64.parse(content); let dst = Crypto.AES.decrypt({ ciphertext: src }, key, { iv: iv, padding: Crypto.pad.Pkcs7 }); dst = Crypto.enc.Utf8.stringify(dst); // console.log(dst); return JSON.parse(dst); } return content; } async function init(cfg) { siteKey = cfg.skey, siteType = cfg.stype; cfg = await local.get(key, "device"); if (0 < cfg.length) try { device = JSON.parse(cfg) } catch (error) {} _.isEmpty(device) && ((device = randDevice()).id = randStr(33).toLowerCase(), = "okhttp/4.1.0", await local.set(key, "device", JSON.stringify(device))) } async function home(filter) { var classes = [] , filterObj = {}; for (const type of JSON.parse(await request(url + "/api.php/Index/getTopVideoCategory")).data) { //console.log('type', type); var typeName = type.nav_name; if ("推荐" != typeName) { var typeId = type.nav_type_id.toString(); if (classes.push({ type_id: typeId, type_name: typeName }), filter) try { var key, filterAll = [], filterData = JSON.parse(await request(url + "/api.php/Video/getFilterType", { type: typeId })).data; //console.log('filterData', filterData); for (key of Object.keys(filterData)) { var itemValues = filterData[key]; //console.log('key', key); if ("plot" === key) key = "class"; let typeExtendName = ""; switch (key) { case "class": typeExtendName = "类型"; break; case "area": typeExtendName = "地区"; break; case "lang": typeExtendName = "语言"; break; case "year": typeExtendName = "年代"; break; case "sort": typeExtendName = "排序" } if (0 !== typeExtendName.length) { var newTypeExtend = { key: key, name: typeExtendName } , newTypeExtendKV = []; for (let j = 0; j < itemValues.length; j++) { var name = itemValues[j] , value = "sort" === key ? j + "" : "全部" === name ? "0" : name; newTypeExtendKV.push({ n: name, v: value }) } newTypeExtend.init = "sort" === key ? "1" : newTypeExtendKV[0].v, newTypeExtend.value = newTypeExtendKV, filterAll.push(newTypeExtend) } } _.isEmpty(filterAll) || (filterObj[typeId] = filterAll) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } } return JSON.stringify({ class: classes, filters: filterObj }) } async function homeVod() { var videos = []; for (const item of JSON.parse(await request(url + "/api.php/Index/getHomePage", { type: 1, p: 1 })) if (0 === item.title.styleType) for (const vObj of item.list) videos.push({ vod_id: vObj.vod_id, vod_name: vObj.vod_name, vod_pic: vObj.vod_pic, vod_remarks: vObj.vod_remarks || vObj.vod_score || "" }); return JSON.stringify({ list: videos }) } async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) { 0 == pg && (pg = 1); var reqUrl = url + "/api.php/Video/getFilterVideoList" , extend = JSON.parse(jinja2(`{ "type": "{{tid}}", "p": "{{pg}}", "area": "{{ext.area|default(0)}}", "year": "{{ext.year|default(0)}}", "sort": "{{ext.sort|default(0)}}", "class": "{{ext.class|default(0)}}" }`, { ext: extend, tid: tid, pg: pg })) , tid = (console.log(extend), JSON.parse(await request(reqUrl, extend)).data) , videos = []; for (const vod of videos.push({ vod_id: vod.vod_id, vod_name: vod.vod_name, vod_pic: vod.vod_pic, vod_remarks: vod.vod_remarks || vod.vod_score || "" }); return JSON.stringify({ page: parseInt(tid.current_page), pagecount: parseInt(tid.last_page), limit: parseInt(tid.per_page), total: parseInt(, list: videos }) } async function detail(id) { var id = JSON.parse(await request(url + "/api.php/Video/getVideoInfo", { video_id: id })) , vod = { vod_id: id.vod_id, vod_name: id.vod_name, vod_pic: id.vod_pic, type_name: id.vod_class, vod_year: id.vod_year, vod_area: id.vod_area, vod_remarks: id.vod_remarks || "", vod_actor: id.vod_actor, vod_director: id.vod_director, vod_content: id.vod_content.trim() } , playlist = {}; for (const item of id.vod_play) { var from = item.playerForm; if ("jp" !== from && "xg" !== from) { let urls = []; for (const u of item.url) urls.push(formatPlayUrl(vod.vod_name, u.title) + "$" + u.play_url); !playlist.hasOwnProperty(from) && 0 < urls.length && (playlist[from] = urls) } } parse = id.parse || [], vod.vod_play_from = _.keys(playlist).join("$$$"); var vod_play_url = []; for (const urlist of _.values(playlist)) vod_play_url.push(urlist.join("#")); return vod.vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join("$$$"), JSON.stringify({ list: [vod] }) } var parse = []; async function play(flag, id, flags) { try { if ((0 <= id.indexOf("youku") || 0 <= id.indexOf("iqiyi") || 0 <= id.indexOf("") || 0 <= id.indexOf("pptv") || 0 <= id.indexOf("") || 0 <= id.indexOf("") || 0 <= id.indexOf("mgtv")) && 0 < parse.length) for (let index = 0; index < parse.length; index++) try { var p = parse[index]; let res = await req(p + id, { headers: { "user-agent": "okhttp/4.1.0" } }); if ((result = jsonParse(id, JSON.parse(res.content))).url) return result.parse = 0, JSON.stringify(result) } catch (error) {} if (0 <= id.indexOf("jqq-")) { var jqqHeader = await request(url + "/jqqheader.json", null, null, !0) , jqqHeaders = JSON.parse(jqqHeader) , ids = id.split("-") , jxJqq = await req("" + ids[1] + "&episodeSid=" + ids[2] + "&quality=LD", { headers: jqqHeaders }) , jqqInfo = JSON.parse(jxJqq.content); if ( return JSON.stringify({ parse: 0, playUrl: "", url: }) } var result, res = await request(url + "/video.php", { url: id }); return (result = jsonParse(id, JSON.parse(res).data)).url ? (result.parse = 0, JSON.stringify(result)) : JSON.stringify({ parse: 0, playUrl: "", url: id }) } catch (e) { return console.log(e), JSON.stringify({ parse: 0, url: id }) } } async function search(wd, quick) { var videos = []; for (const vod of JSON.parse(await request(url + "/api.php/Search/getSearch", { key: wd, type_id: 0, p: 1 })) videos.push({ vod_id: vod.vod_id, vod_name: vod.vod_name, vod_pic: vod.vod_pic, vod_remarks: vod.vod_remarks || vod.vod_score || "" }); return JSON.stringify({ list: videos }) } const charStr = "abacdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; function randStr(len, withNum) { for (var _str = "", containsNum = void 0 === withNum || withNum, i = 0; i < len; i++) { var idx = _.random(0, containsNum ? charStr.length - 1 : charStr.length - 11); _str += charStr[idx] } return _str } function randDevice() { return { brand: "Huawei", model: "HUAWEI Mate 20", release: "10", buildId: randStr(3, !1).toUpperCase() + _.random(11, 99) + randStr(1, !1).toUpperCase() } } function formatPlayUrl(src, name) { return name.trim().replaceAll(src, "").replace(/<|>|《|》/g, "").replace(/\$|#/g, " ").trim() } function jsonParse(input, json) { try { let url = json.url ?? ""; if (!(url = url.startsWith("//") ? "https:" + url : url).startsWith("http")) return {}; let headers = json.headers || {}; var ua = (json["user-agent"] || "").trim() , referer = (0 < ua.length && (headers["User-Agent"] = ua), (json.referer || "").trim()); return 0 < referer.length && (headers.Referer = referer), _.keys(headers).forEach(hk=>{ headers[hk] || delete headers[hk] } ), { header: headers, url: url } } catch (error) { console.log(error) } return {} } function __jsEvalReturn() { return { init: init, home: home, homeVod: homeVod, category: category, detail: detail, play: play, search: search } } export {__jsEvalReturn};