2024-10-02 08:30:42 -05:00

467 lines
18 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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function convertM3uToNormal(m3u) {
try {
const lines = m3u.split('\n');
let result = '';
let TV = '';
// let flag='#genre#';
let flag = '#m3u#';
let currentGroupTitle = '';
lines.forEach((line) => {
if (line.startsWith('#EXTINF:')) {
line = line.replace(/'/g, '"');
let groupTitle = '未知频道';
let tvg_name = '';
let tvg_logo = '';
try {
groupTitle = line.match(/group-title="(.*?)"/)[1].trim();
} catch (e) {
try {
tvg_name = line.match(/tvg-name="(.*?)"/)[1].trim();
} catch (e) {
try {
tvg_logo = line.match(/tvg-logo="(.*?)"/)[1].trim();
} catch (e) {
TV = line.split(',').slice(-1)[0].trim();
if (currentGroupTitle !== groupTitle) {
currentGroupTitle = groupTitle;
let ret_list = [currentGroupTitle, flag];
// if(tvg_name){
// ret_list.push(tvg_name);
// }
// if(tvg_logo){
// ret_list.push(tvg_logo);
// }
result += `\n${ret_list.join(",")}\n`;
} else if (line.startsWith('http')) {
const splitLine = line.split(',');
result += `${TV}\,${splitLine[0]}\n`;
// result = result.trim();
result = mergeChannels(result);
// log(result);
return result
} catch (e) {
return m3u
* 线路归类/小棉袄算法
* @param arr 数组
* @param parse 解析式
* @returns {[[*]]}
function splitArray(arr, parse) {
parse = parse && typeof (parse) == 'function' ? parse : '';
let result = [[arr[0]]];
for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
let index = -1;
for (let j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
if (parse && result[j].map(parse).includes(parse(arr[i]))) {
index = j;
} else if ((!parse) && result[j].includes(arr[i])) {
index = j;
if (index >= result.length - 1) {
result[result.length - 1].push(arr[i]);
} else {
result[index + 1].push(arr[i]);
return result;
* 搜索结果生成分组字典
* @param arr
* @param parse x=>x.split(',')[0]
* @returns {{}}
function gen_group_dict(arr, parse) {
let dict = {};
arr.forEach((it) => {
let k = it.split(',')[0];
if (parse && typeof (parse) === 'function') {
k = parse(k);
if (!dict[k]) {
dict[k] = [it];
} else {
return dict
* txt格式直播自动合并频道链接
* @param text
* @returns {string}
function mergeChannels(text) {
const lines = text.split('\n');
const channelMap = new Map();
let currentChannel = ''; // 当前处理的频道
lines.forEach(line => {
// 使用正则表达式匹配频道行,假设频道行包含",#"即可识别为频道行
if (/,#/.test(line)) {
// 如果是频道名称,作为键值存储,初始化为空数组
currentChannel = line;
if (!channelMap.has(line)) {
channelMap.set(line, []);
} else if (line) { // 忽略空行
// 将当前行(链接)添加到当前频道数组中
if (currentChannel) {
// 构建结果字符串
let result = '';
channelMap.forEach((value, key) => {
result += key + '\n' + value.join('\n') + '\n\n';
return result.trim(); // 移除尾部的多余换行符
globalThis.mergeChannels = mergeChannels;
globalThis.convertM3uToNormal = convertM3uToNormal;
globalThis.splitArray = splitArray;
globalThis.gen_group_dict = gen_group_dict;
globalThis.getRandomItem = function (items) {//从列表随机取出一个元素
return items[Math.random() * items.length | 0];
globalThis.__ext = {data_dict: {}};
var rule = {
title: '直播转点播[合]',
author: '道长',
version: '20240628 beta6',
update_info: `
host: '',
homeUrl: '',
searchUrl: '#wd=**&pg=#TruePage##page=fypage',
url: 'fyclass#pg=fypage&t=fyfilter',
filter_url: '{{fl.show}}',
headers: {'User-Agent': 'MOBILE_UA'},
timeout: 5000, // class_name: '电影&电视剧&综艺&动漫',
limit: 20,
search_limit: 5, // 搜索限制取前5个可以注释掉就不限制搜索
searchable: 1,//是否启用全局搜索,
quickSearch: 0,//是否启用快速搜索,
filterable: 1,//是否启用分类筛选,
play_parse: true,
// params: '',
// 下面自定义一些源的配置
// def_pic: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/97389433?s=120&v=4', //默认列表图片
def_pic: 'https://gitee.com/wyygj/gjbox/raw/master/ox/1.png', //默认列表图片
showMode: 'groups',// groups按组分类显示 all全部一条线路展示
groupDict: {},// 搜索分组字典
tips: '', //二级提示信息
预处理: $js.toString(() => {
// 初始化保存的数据
rule.showMode = getItem('showMode', 'groups');
rule.groupDict = JSON.parse(getItem('groupDict', '{}'));
rule.tips = `道长直播转点播js-当前版本${rule.version}`;
if (typeof (batchFetch) === 'function') {
// 支持批量请求直接放飞自我。搜索限制最大线程数量16
rule.search_limit = 16;
let _url = rule.params;
if (_url && typeof (_url) === 'string' && /^(http|file)/.test(_url)) {
let html = request(_url);
let json = JSON.parse(html);
let _classes = [];
rule.filter = {};
rule.filter_def = {};
json.forEach(it => {
if (it.url && !/^(http|file)/.test(it.url)) {
it.url = urljoin(_url, it.url);
let _obj = {
type_name: it.name,
type_id: it.url,
img: it.img,
let json1 = [{'n': '多线路分组', 'v': 'groups'}, {'n': '单线路', 'v': 'all'}];
try {
rule.filter[_obj.type_id] = [
{'key': 'show', 'name': '播放展示', 'value': json1}
if (json1.length > 0) {
rule.filter_def[it.url] = {"show": json1[0].v};
} catch (e) {
rule.filter[it.url] = json1
__ext.data = json;
rule.classes = _classes;
class_parse: $js.toString(() => {
input = rule.classes;
推荐: $js.toString(() => {
let update_info = [{
vod_name: '别相信广告',
vod_id: 'update_info',
vod_remarks: `版本:${rule.version}`,
vod_pic: 'https://gitee.com/wyygj/gjbox/raw/master/ox/2.png'
VODS = [];
if (rule.classes) {
let randomClass = getRandomItem(rule.classes);
let _get_url = randomClass.type_id;
// let current_vod = rule.classes.find(item => item.type_id === _get_url);
// let _pic = current_vod ? current_vod.img : '';
let _pic = randomClass.img;
let html;
if (__ext.data_dict[_get_url]) {
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url];
} else {
html = request(_get_url);
if (/#EXTM3U/.test(html)) {
html = convertM3uToNormal(html);
} else {
html = mergeChannels(html);
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html;
let arr = html.match(/.*?[,]#[\s\S].*?#/g); // 可能存在中文逗号
try {
arr.forEach(it => {
let vname = it.split(/[,]/)[0];
let vtab = it.match(/#(.*?)#/)[0];
vod_name: vname,
vod_id: _get_url + '$' + vname,
vod_pic: _pic || rule.def_pic,
vod_remarks: vtab,
} catch (e) {
VODS = update_info.concat(VODS);
一级: $js.toString(() => {
VODS = [];
// 一级限制页数不允许翻页
if (rule.classes && MY_PAGE <= 1) {
if (MY_FL.show) {
rule.showMode = MY_FL.show;
setItem('showMode', rule.showMode);
let _get_url = input.split('#')[0];
let current_vod = rule.classes.find(item => item.type_id === MY_CATE);
let _pic = current_vod ? current_vod.img : '';
let html;
if (__ext.data_dict[_get_url]) {
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url];
} else {
html = request(_get_url);
if (/#EXTM3U/.test(html)) {
html = convertM3uToNormal(html);
} else {
html = mergeChannels(html);
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html;
let arr = html.match(/.*?[,]#[\s\S].*?#/g); // 可能存在中文逗号
try {
arr.forEach(it => {
let vname = it.split(/[,]/)[0];
let vtab = it.match(/#(.*?)#/)[0];
// vod_name:it.split(',')[0],
vod_name: vname,
vod_id: _get_url + '$' + vname,
vod_pic: _pic || rule.def_pic,
vod_remarks: vtab,
} catch (e) {
二级: $js.toString(() => {
VOD = {};
if (orId === 'update_info') {
VOD = {
vod_content: rule.update_info.trim(),
vod_name: '更新日志',
type_name: '更新日志',
vod_pic: 'https://gitee.com/wyygj/gjbox/raw/master/ox/1.png',
vod_remarks: `版本:${rule.version}`,
vod_play_from: '别信广告',
// vod_play_url: '嗅探播放$https://resource-cdn.tuxiaobei.com/video/10/8f/108fc9d1ac3f69d29a738cdc097c9018.mp4',
vod_play_url: '随机小视频$http://api.yujn.cn/api/zzxjj.php',
} else {
if (rule.classes) {
let _get_url = orId.split('$')[0];
let _tab = orId.split('$')[1];
if (orId.includes('#search#')) {
let vod_name = _tab.replace('#search#', '');
let vod_play_from = '来自搜索';
vod_play_from += `:${_get_url}`;
let vod_play_url = rule.groupDict[_get_url].map(x => x.replace(',', '$')).join('#');
VOD = {
vod_name: '搜索:' + vod_name,
type_name: "直播列表",
vod_pic: rule.def_pic,
// vod_content: orId,
vod_content: orId.replace(getHome(orId), 'http://***'),
vod_play_from: vod_play_from,
vod_play_url: vod_play_url,
vod_director: rule.tips,
vod_remarks: rule.tips,
} else {
let current_vod = rule.classes.find(item => item.type_id === _get_url);
let _pic = current_vod ? current_vod.img : '';
let html;
if (__ext.data_dict[_get_url]) {
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url];
} else {
html = request(_get_url);
if (/#EXTM3U/.test(html)) {
html = convertM3uToNormal(html);
} else {
html = mergeChannels(html);
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html;
let a = new RegExp(`.*?${_tab.replace('(','\\(').replace(')','\\)')}[,]#[\\s\\S].*?#`);
let b = html.match(a)[0];
let c = html.split(b)[1];
if (c.match(/.*?[,]#[\s\S].*?#/)) {
let d = c.match(/.*?[,]#[\s\S].*?#/)[0];
c = c.split(d)[0];
let arr = c.trim().split('\n');
let _list = [];
arr.forEach((it) => {
if (it.trim()) {
let t = it.trim().split(',')[0];
let u = it.trim().split(',')[1];
_list.push(t + '$' + u);
let vod_name = __ext.data.find(x => x.url === _get_url).name;
let vod_play_url;
let vod_play_from;
if (rule.showMode === 'groups') {
let groups = splitArray(_list, x => x.split('$')[0]);
let tabs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
tabs.push(vod_name + '@1');
} else {
tabs.push(`@${i + 1}`);
vod_play_url = groups.map(it => it.join('#')).join('$$$');
vod_play_from = tabs.join('$$$');
} else {
vod_play_url = _list.join('#');
vod_play_from = vod_name;
VOD = {
vod_id: orId,
vod_name: vod_name + '|' + _tab,
type_name: "直播列表",
vod_pic: _pic || rule.def_pic,
// vod_content: orId,
vod_content: orId.replace(getHome(orId), 'http://***'),
vod_play_from: vod_play_from,
vod_play_url: vod_play_url,
vod_director: rule.tips,
vod_remarks: rule.tips,
搜索: $js.toString(() => {
VODS = [];
if (rule.classes && MY_PAGE <= 1) {
let _get_url = __ext.data[0].url;
let current_vod = rule.classes.find(item => item.type_id === _get_url);
let _pic = current_vod ? current_vod.img : '';
let html;
if (__ext.data_dict[_get_url]) {
html = __ext.data_dict[_get_url];
} else {
html = request(_get_url);
if (/#EXTM3U/.test(html)) {
html = convertM3uToNormal(html);
} else {
html = mergeChannels(html);
__ext.data_dict[_get_url] = html;
let str = '';
Object.keys(__ext.data_dict).forEach(() => {
str += __ext.data_dict[_get_url];
let links = str.split('\n').filter(it => it.trim() && it.includes(',') && it.split(',')[1].trim().startsWith('http'));
links = links.map(it => it.trim());
let plays = Array.from(new Set(links));
log('搜索关键词:' + KEY);
log('过滤前:' + plays.length);
// plays = plays.filter(it => it.includes(KEY));
plays = plays.filter(it => new RegExp(KEY, 'i').test(it));
log('过滤后:' + plays.length);
let new_group = gen_group_dict(plays);
rule.groupDict = Object.assign(rule.groupDict, new_group);
// 搜索分组结果存至本地方便二级调用
setItem('groupDict', JSON.stringify(rule.groupDict));
// 返回的还是搜索的new_group
Object.keys(new_group).forEach((it) => {
'vod_name': it,
'vod_id': it + '$' + KEY + '#search#',
'vod_pic': _pic || rule.def_pic,
lazy: $js.toString(() => {
if (/\.(m3u8|mp4)/.test(input)) {
if (input.includes('?') && typeof (playObj) == 'object' && playObj.url) {
input = playObj.url;
input = {parse: 0, url: input}
} else if (/yangshipin|1905\.com/.test(input)) {
input = {parse: 1, jx: 0, url: input, js: '', header: {'User-Agent': PC_UA}, parse_extra: '&is_pc=1'};
} else {