2022-12-04 22:27:02 -05:00

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Ultra 64 MARIO Brothers
mario swim carry A animation data 1
Copyright 1996 Nintendo co., ltd. All rights reserved
February 1, 1996
#include "../headers.h"
static short mario_swim_carryA_1_prm[]={
0, 189,16383, -290, -430,-10130,-9595,-10147,
29760,29583,29422,29285,29179,29110,29085, 1919,
1944, 2014, 2122, 2262, 2426, 2607, 2799, 2994,
3186, 3368, 3532, 3671, 3780, 3850, 3875, 4669,
-29260,-29173,-29142, -146, -124, -124, -213, -326,
-366, -274, -110, 40, 151, 253, 352, 452,
452, 452, 452, 565, 566, 550, 497, 432,
398, 430, 493, 527, 513, 480, 438, 400,
400, 400, 400,-16573,-16196,-16341,-18305,-20784,
16741,15057,13331,11580, 9818, 8061, 6324, 4625,
4625, 4625, 4625, 3827, 3374, 2732, 2264, 1721,
1256, 1023, 1176, 1828, 2877, 4153, 5485, 6704,
6704, 6704, 6704, 5165, 5446, 5847, 6177, 6590,
6938, 7069, 6836, 6132, 5056, 3768, 2427, 1192,
1192, 1192, 1192,-20106,-20992,-21755,-21407,-20871,
-11728,-11728,-11728, 188, 185, 187, 210, 238,
243, 212, 157, 97, 35, -30, -98, -165,
-165, -165, -165, -208, -206, -187, -133, -68,
-40, -82, -160, -217, -235, -239, -236, -237,
-237, -237, -237,-15155,-15129,-15812,-18197,-21065,
16333,14418,12449,10446, 8430, 6421, 4438, 2503,
2503, 2503, 2503,-5026,-4685,-4173,-3742,-3226,
-6979,-7260,-7085,-6327,-5119,-3654,-2125, -725,
-725, -725, -725,-18798,-19352,-19769,-19428,-18959,
-11339,-11339,-11339, 6603,-32552,22994,-16545,-8145,
-12086,-12086,-12086, 1542, 1681, 1938, 2076, 2130,
2277, 2501, 2781, 3099, 3436, 3773, 4090, 4371,
4371, 4371, 4371,24552,24581,24664,24793,24959,
static short mario_swim_carryA_1_tbl[]={
1, 0, /* chn14_4translate x */
1, 1, /* chn14_4 translate y */
1, 0, /* chn14_4 translate z */
1, 0, /* chn14_4 rotate x */
1, 2, /* chn14_4 rotate y */
1, 0, /* chn14_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_waist>1_3_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_waist>1_3_4 rotate y */
16, 371, /* <m_waist>1_3_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_body>1_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_body>1_4 rotate y */
16, 355, /* <m_body>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_head>2_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_head>2_4 rotate y */
16, 339, /* <m_head>2_4 rotate z */
1, 335, /* chn6_4 rotate x */
1, 336, /* chn6_4 rotate y */
1, 337, /* chn6_4 rotate z */
16, 7, /* <m_larmA>1_4 rotate x */
16, 23, /* <m_larmA>1_4 rotate y */
16, 39, /* <m_larmA>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_larmB>1_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_larmB>1_4 rotate y */
1, 6, /* <m_larmB>1_4 rotate z */
1, 3, /* <m_rhand2>2_4 rotate x */
1, 4, /* <m_rhand2>2_4 rotate y */
1, 5, /* <m_rhand2>2_4 rotate z */
1, 331, /* chn10_4 rotate x */
1, 332, /* chn10_4 rotate y */
1, 333, /* chn10_4 rotate z */
16, 59, /* <m_rarmA>1_4 rotate x */
16, 75, /* <m_rarmA>1_4 rotate y */
16, 91, /* <m_rarmA>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_rarmB>1_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_rarmB>1_4 rotate y */
1, 58, /* <m_rarmB>1_4 rotate z */
1, 55, /* <m_rhand2>1_4 rotate x */
1, 56, /* <m_rhand2>1_4 rotate y */
1, 57, /* <m_rhand2>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* chn15_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* chn15_4 rotate y */
1, 334, /* chn15_4 rotate z */
16, 283, /* <m_llegA>1_4 rotate x */
16, 299, /* <m_llegA>1_4 rotate y */
16, 315, /* <m_llegA>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_llegB>1_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_llegB>1_4 rotate y */
16, 267, /* <m_llegB>1_4 rotate z */
16, 219, /* <m_ltoot>1_4 rotate x */
16, 235, /* <m_ltoot>1_4 rotate y */
16, 251, /* <m_ltoot>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* chn17_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* chn17_4 rotate y */
1, 338, /* chn17_4 rotate z */
16, 171, /* <m_rlegA>1_4 rotate x */
16, 187, /* <m_rlegA>1_4 rotate y */
16, 203, /* <m_rlegA>1_4 rotate z */
1, 0, /* <m_rlegB>1_4 rotate x */
1, 0, /* <m_rlegB>1_4 rotate y */
16, 155, /* <m_rlegB>1_4 rotate z */
16, 107, /* <m_rfoot>1_4 rotate x */
16, 123, /* <m_rfoot>1_4 rotate y */
16, 139, /* <m_rfoot>1_4 rotate z */
AnimeRecord animMarioSwimCarryA1 = {
MAP_ANIM_ONETIME, /* attribute */
0, /* syncro */
0, /* start frame */
0, /* loop frame */
16, /* number of frames */
20, /* number of joints */