3.2 KiB
A simple lightweight framework for building apps and APIs in PHP
Folder Structure
- app
- controllers
- includes
- db.php
- functions.php
- user_functions.php
- views
- routes.php
- public
- assets
- images
- index.php
- loader.php
- config.example.php
First, copy micronPHP to your project root and rename config.example.php
to config.php
Each web page of your app should have a controller and/or a view. That's it!
Write your controllers inside app/controllers folder, and write the view inside app/views folder. Match the file names within each folder to associate them together. Set global variables in a controller to use them in the view.
When you visit http://yourmicronsiteurl/pagename, the controller named pagename.php and view named pagename.php will be executed.
You can also create virtual routes that can point to a controller/view with route parameters specified. Routes are defined in app/routes.php file, and route parameters are accessed via the global $routeParams
variable (as an associative array).
Database Setup
Optionally, you can set up your config.php
with details for database access, which can be accessed via the global $db
variable, and that enables using a magicInsert()
function, which can be used to quickly insert arbitrary values from forms or other sources to database tables (just be sure you process the values before putting them in).
User Input
The loader automatically sanitizes GET and POST variables in two different ways that can be helpful:
provide the user input with any HTML tags stripped (using PHP'sstrip_tags()
provide the user input with all sensitive characters converted to their HTML entity values (using PHP'shtmlentities()
You can do whatever you want with that information.
Helper Functions
Link Builder
route('pagename', ["parameter" => "value"])
<a href="<?php echo route('admin/products',array('a' => 'add'))?>" class="btn btn-primary">Add Product</a>
redirectRoute('pagename', ["parameter" => "value"])
redirectRoute('admin/divisions',array('successMessage' => 'Division Added'));
Generating Asset Links
echo assets('path to css file inside public/assets folder')
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo assets('pretty/css/prettyPhoto.css')?>" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />
Generating Image Links
echo images('path to css file inside public/images folder')
<img src="<?php echo images('cool/dog.jpg')?>" alt="dog in sunglasses" />
Including a view inside another view
loadView('viewName',[array of data to be passed])
loadView('header',["title" => 'Sample Title'])
Form Required Fields Validation
validateRequired($userInput, $requiredFields)
$requiredFields = ['title','subject'];
Save Form to Database
magicInsert('tableName',$_POST) Unset any unwanted parameters using unset() function before using magicInsert()