
50 lines
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using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using VF.Builder;
using VF.Feature.Base;
namespace VF.Feature {
* This builder fixes an extremely rare unity bug, where if there are two IDENTICAL armatures
* on the avatar (containing all the exact same bone names and layout), the Animator on the avatar root
* may suddenly decide that its root is the nested object (with the nested armature) instead of the
* actual avatar root.
* This breaks animator.GetBoneTransform (because it returns bones from the child armature), and also breaks
* animator.GetFloatValue (because it looks for properties starting from that nested child object).
* Our solution to this is to find the hips bone, then rename every OTHER bone on the avatar using that name.
* This makes absolutely sure that there can be no other matching armatures
* inside the avatar, because they cannot have a bone with the root bone name.
public class FixDuplicateArmatureBuilder : FeatureBuilder {
public void Apply() {
var animator = avatarObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (!animator) return;
var hips = VRCFArmatureUtils.FindBoneOnArmature(avatarObject, HumanBodyBones.Hips);
var movedOne = false;
if (!hips) return;
var i = 0;
var mover = allBuildersInRun.OfType<ObjectMoveBuilder>().First();
foreach (var child in avatarObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true)) {
if (child.gameObject == hips) continue;
if (child.gameObject.name != hips.name) continue;
// Amogus follower uses a sub-animator to animate its avatar, and (currently) we don't rewrite sub-animator
// clips, so just skip these for now.
if (AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(child, avatarObject.transform).Contains("Follower")) {
mover.Move(child.gameObject, newName: child.gameObject.name + "_vrcfdup" + (++i));
movedOne = true;
if (movedOne) {